Chapter 4

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Jennie's Pov

Darkness........ I don't know for how long I was engulfed in it....... That is all I see...... it feels like running in a never ending dark road..... I am trapped...... I miss her...... her arms around me...... I loved waking up next to her..... And now I am smiling between my tears........ Only her memories keep the hope in me alive......... again my heart is pierced in an icy fear...... what if...... what if she really let me go..... Why isn't she looking for me....... I am waiting for her to call my name..... To pull me into her embrace........ I loved it when she rocked me against her chest.

She was mad at me......... we fought last night....... She raised a finger at my commitment........i couldn't take it........ I left. But now I feel I shouldn't have....... My heart aches for her..... very bad.... I can feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

The pain took me back to a memory.... I was 16..... And she was 17...same college....... We have been friends from kinder garden..... I was walking home alone after classes and it was evening and dark...... suddenly I felt someone following me.......... so I started walking faster......... so did my stalker.........suddenly I was pushed against a tree..... I looked up all horrified..........but it was Jisoo.... I couldn't understand her expression that time....... she was smirking at me and her eyes had anger in it...... I spoke between tears ''you scared me''.

Jisoo, ''you should be, what were you thinking huh ......... have you lost your head....... That you decided to walk in this uncanny route all alone''

I looked down all apologetic, ''I didn't want to bother anyone''.

She smiled catching my tears between her heart shaped lips and whispered, ''I would love to be bothered if it's you..... And mind it ...... it should always be me and no one..... I will destroy everything if you leave me....... You are mine..... Always ''. I gaped at her like an idiot..... She smiled at me and leaned at me capturing my lips in between her lips.

I can't express in words how I felt............ I felt I was born again........ But my bubble breaks again..... Now she is not with me....... And she can't hear me.... Maybe she no more trusts me..... Then maybe that's why she isn't looking for me.... I fear this darkness around me........ But more than that, I fear losing my place in her heart.

I sobbed, ''you are a slut......... hear me Jennie.... I thought you were different.... But you are no different'' these were the exact words she had thrown at me..... Anger grips me..... I will not forgive you for this Jisoo...... you hurt me bad..... I scream in pain in the loudest way possible....... But I know no one is there to hear me.

Jisoo's Pov

'' Jennie..... !!!!'' I scream out of my bed..... She needs me.... I need find her soon...... wait for me, love..... Wait for me.

Roseanne's Pov

My room windows rattle by the wind...... it is a storm outside.... It appears like my life........ full of tears, anger. My nights are never calm. I need my peace....... Come what may......... I shall have it.


                                     To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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