Chapter 11

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Eden View

Roseanne's morning started with Claire's call....she avoided answering her...her parents were not aware that Jennie was in coma...Roseanne took a deep breath and answered; ''Morning Mom!''

Claire; ''So you remember you have a Mom...I feared that you won't pick my call"

Roseanne; ''Mom why are you being sarcastic...I don't have answers Mom.... it pains to see you and dad like this''

Claire; ''Baby...I know....please come back Rosie your dad have seemed to age suddenly.. I am worried''

Roseanne; ''Mom, is dad around??? If yes put me on speaker'' Claire obliged and Roseanne directed her conversation to both her parents; ''Mom, Dad.... have faith I will bring Jennie home...Dad you have always trusted my decision please have faith in my decision this time too.... I have to stay for Jennie I will come back I promise... with Jennie... and Dad take care of yourself I want my handsome dad back''

Claire smiled and Mason gave a roaring laughter; ''Fine Rosie... your Dad is waiting for you... come soon my princess''

Roseanne disconnected and broke down into inconsolable sobs.... she recalled how she panicked when Jennie's call got disconnected abruptly Roseanne kept calling Jennie but her number was not reachable. she picked her luggage from the hotel and booked first flight to New york...Roseanne kept praying for Jennie's wellbeing....Once she landed in New york...she directly went to Jisoo's penthouse....... but she wasn't there care taker updated Roseanne that Jennie had moved out a month ago due to constant fights.......... but she still took care of her career... they were cordial.... and would meet only if needed...... but a day before when Jennie had come down regarding some work...... they had a big argument and Jennie walked out in tears.... Roseanne checked on Jisoo's whereabouts and was informed that she had left for London for a month long schedule........ Roseanne took Jennie's address from the care taker and left for her apartment................................... she was praying for Jennie to be safe in her house but the door was never answered. Roseanne met the owner and got a spare key bluffing that Jennie was moving out and she was here to collect her belongings... Roseanne searched her flat..... there were memories. Jennie loved locking memories in pictures it was all over the house....their childhood... time with parents and her time with Jisoo...but there was nothing which could give her a clue on Jennie Roseanne took everything and informed her Mom about Jennie missing Mason couldn't take it and suffered a heart stroke.. crushing the happiness of Park household and evoking the devil in Roseanne..................... Claire had a Bungalow in New york gifted to her by her parents the owners of a big construction firm Skyline..... Roseanne without wasting any more time decided to shift to New york and taking over Skyline operations which her ailing grandmother readily agreed...... she used her sharp brain and her power to take over FRAMES..... Claire knew Roseanne had to be controlled she was like forest fire and hence she send Sana to New york....

Roseanne and Sana frantically searched for Jennie she asked the police to keep the search confidential... and after 6-7 months they found a bed ridden Jennie in a Boston hospital....she was found badly injured on the highway and was admitted in Colorado....but for better treatment she was shifted to Boston... that day Roseanne turned into a stone..... Roseanne made arrangements for Jennie to be shifted to her Bungalow she never told her parents about her being in coma as doctors had little hope......she was furious on Jisoo........... she didn't care where Jennie was....she left her family for her....helped her realizing her dream..... and she broke her heart.... Roseanne went through Jennie's books and notes she smirked it had everything how Jennie planned Jisoo's career.... ''Jisoo..... Jennie took you to sky....I will crush you to dust................... ''

Roseanne was brought back to present by continuous banging on her bedroom door Sana screamed from the other side; ''Rosie open the dam door or I will break it''

Roseanne smiled wiped her face and got up she unlocked the door and found Sana all angry with hands on her hip.... Roseanne smiled; ''Go find yourself a girlfriend... and stop tailing me''

Sana; ''I will tail you even to your grave..... I am not leaving you and if I get a girlfriend you will scare her off'' Roseanne laughed she knew Sana will never leave her... she pulled Sana's cheeks lovingly before asking her to be ready.....

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