Chapter 13

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Claire was going through old family album.... It was full of Roseanne and Jennie's pictures.... Since they were born Mason made sure to capture every moment in the camera.... Their daughter's were their pride and as they grew up people envied their looks and qualities.... Same bunch were spreading rumours about Nini settling in Singapore... Claire was disturbed.... But she kept quiet because Rosie wanted her to.... Claire knew if Roseanne promised her something she will fulfill it.... She had always been this stubborn... And Nini she would do anything for the people she loved.... Yes she went against her family but that too was for love.... Claire recalled the day Jennie introduced Jisoo to her and Mason..... They welcomed her as social status were last  thing in their minds.... They wanted Nini to be with someone gentle as her.... But Jisoo's aggression to be successful and thirst for money made Mason little uncomfortable..... Mason and Claire welcomed Jisoo with full heart "So what are your future plans"

Jisoo "Sir I want to make a career in films"

Mason "Artistic.... great.... So you love acting"

Jisoo "I want money and fame.... I want world to know me"

Mason looked at Claire who flinched in her chair "Money is not everything you know"

Jisoo smirked "but something which can buy you many things... for me it's everything..."

The rest of the conversation went well.... As Jisoo left... Mason told Jennie that he was'nt sure of her choice... But Jennie was adamant.... Claire has never seen her Nini so adamant she asked "Nini you need to understand our concern and you are too young to be married... Let her settle and make her career"

Jennie "Mom you guys need to understand.... Jisoo she is a gem.... I know she will do big... Mom dad I am moving to New York with her..... She has few modelling assignments..... I want to help her realise her dreams"
Claire wanted to contradict Jennie but Mason stopped her... She had seen a kind of determination in Jennie's eyes.... Their word didn't matter.

Mason after a pause "fine.... Do what you feel is right... But if something goes wrong... Come back to your family... We will fight it together." Jennie hugged her dad.... They had dinner like a normal family..... Laughing over some past incident and the next day Jennie left with Jisoo.... much to Roseanne's annoyance.... who took it all out on Jennie and then Mason

Claire's eyes started pouring recalling the past.... her pov "you promised if anything goes wrong you will come to us.... why Nini.... why couldn't you trust your parents" Claire covered her mouth to prevent the breaking voice from going out of the room....

Head Office Skyline

Roseanne was in the office of her construction firm.... she had taken the company to new heights..... the way Mason trained her from young was bearing fruit....when she had joined the staff wasn't friendly or helpful they were not comfortable being ruled by a girl in twenties but they didn't knew the one they were facing had 20 heads there were too many protests but once she stood between them dressed in black.....with her arms folded to chest.... The fire of her eyes burned their confidence and now it was just her word that ruled... her assistant Jackson came in ''Ma'am our San Francisco project is jinxed by a goon named... Sehun is threatening our workers..... he is asking for 2cr to leave us alone................. ''

Roseanne was sitting on her chair leaning her head with her eyes closed... she smiled and responded without opening her eyes ''I love Challenges.. His that underworld don Suho........ send him 50L and tell him its from me... he will handle everything''

Jackson ''Ma'am but may be Suho asked Sehun to trouble us......... and why would he agree for 50L when his own gang member can earn 2Cr''

Roseanne opened her eyes and looked at Jackson ''Sehun is trying to make his own gang I am aware of that..... Suho would have called and then created a trouble... take a lesson from me ....know your enemies, friends and frenemies well.... and Suho is our frenemy................ plus people like us make people like Suho... he won't dare go against his creator.... he knows we need each other'' Jackson nodded giving Roseanne a look of respect he knew why she was the boss... Roseanne turned her attention to her mobile it was Sana...... she smiled and answered '' Yes squirt''

Sana ''Lisa is expecting you at the shoot''

Roseanne smirked ''Good... let her wait...I like surprises.... tell Mark to be ready.... and go back home after wrapping work at FRAMES.... Nini is alone and.... I don't want her to be alone..................... and remember no more talking to that AD(Assistant Director) Eunha.. I don't like her''

Sana gritted her teeth ''You know what.... you are a devil''

Roseanne chuckled ''Yes.... and a beautiful one... Squirt call your dad and tell him that someone might snoop around to get details on me or Nini.. ahjussi knows what to do....and nothing should reach Mom and dad. ''

Sana ''Don't worry Rosie... it will be done'' Roseanne again went back to her leaning position smiling... her POV ''Lisa an attraction can be dangerous... I will give you one chance to escape...if you miss... you are all mine to play with...... you will bring Jisoo down for me''

                                To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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