Chapter 15

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It was the second round of photo shoot..... Lisa was dressed in a complete black 3 piece suit... Roseanne thought for a moment and looked at Mark ''Mark.... make this one Black & White highlighting the contrast the most.... and Lisa I would request you to give a little dark expression just against your personality'' Lisa nodded and Mark gave a thumbs up..... she was a genius in every sense................ Roseanne 's mobile started buzzing she saw the ID and walked out.... It was Sana's father Sangmin ''Yes Ahjussi... all fine.. Is mom-dad Ok''

Sangmin ''All fine Rosie... you were right... Jisoo is in Texas its a secret visit.... tell me what should be done''

Roseanne stared at her manicured nails smiling ''Ahjussi inform her greedy family.... but carefully without anyone knowing this is us and also the leading papers... make it difficult for her to visit anywhere or Stay in Texas.... and you know how to confuse her regarding Nini I know why is she there''

Sangmin ''Done take care eat and sleep well'' Rosie greeted him before disconnecting.... she walked inside and it was time for 3rd round of shoot and this one was a couple shoot... a famous model had been signed to do that with Lisa... Lisa had to do a good skin show for that.......... half of her shirt buttons were undone.... the model had to clutch her shirt hard.... pulling her to herself.... with their lips parted and close... Lisa gave perfect shots and Roseanne instructed Mark to mail her the pics ASAP before packing up...... Lisa changed and came to her cabin where she was busy with some work..... ''So Heiress..... goodnight or good morning''

Roseanne took a step towards her smiling looking straight into her eyes ''Depends on your perception Ms Super Star..... its 3 hrs past midnight and around 3hrs for dawn.... so what does it looks to you''

Lisa was kind of lost in her deep brown eyes she took a step forward ''For me you look like a morning.... a beautiful sunny morning.............. filling me with light ''

Roseanne's cheeks flushed..... she let out a small laugh lowering her eyes ''you are engaged ''

Lisa cut her off ''Not married....and its just verbal pact........ I don't have a ring''

Roseanne gave her a challenge ''I am not a girl made of petals.. I am bad... and can be worse''

Lisa out of the blue cupped her cheek... she rubbed her thumb over her cheek ''Then why doesn't you feel that bad.............. Heiress why do your beautiful eyes carry so much it out... to a friend.... someone you love.... or let me love you till I erase all the pain''

Roseanne was caught off guard now..... she came with a plan but this girl was moving down towards her heart... which she had locked long ago.... she looked at her wide eyed.... trying to read her dark brown eyes.... they were calm true and carried affection for her Roseanne's POV 'you can't hurt her. its not her fault.... don't Rosie.. move back now' But the revenge riding her head warned 'she is not that good.... she has a finance and is fooling with you..... there is no harm in using her... ' the battle between Roseanne-Rosie was broken by Lisa's peck on her cheek.... Roseanne took a sharp breath moving backwards Lisa caught her waist pulling her to her... she brushed her knuckles on her heated cheek ''I thought there is no girl on this planet..... who could make me lose my senses.... but I forgot there is God.... and miracles happen.... and see now you happened''

Roseanne kept her palms between them ''You don't even know me properly................ there are few things which might make you hate me''

Lisa ''Don't know what things...... but I can never hate you''

Roseanne looked into her eyes with a challenge ''What if tomorrow you get to know that I put up an act of loving you to use you in my favour and then crush you heart''

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