Chapter 34

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Lisa's Bachelor Pad

Roseanne asked Lisa to meet her in her bachelor pad... but Tzuyu had made up her mind... Sana's reluctance was making her want her more and more... her black eyes had a kind of innocence she had never seen she decided to see her in person...

Roseanne stood in the balcony watching in space she was worried about squirt.. Lisa came and wrapped her arms around her from behind kissing the side of her head... ''heiress why so stressed''

Roseanne turned to face her ''Lisa stop Tzuyu.. she is moving too quick... Sana is not ready.... she is hurt... let her heal.... ''

Lisa ''I understand... but how to make Tzuyu understand this....... she has lost her senses since she had met her... I don't know how to handle her..''

Roseanne frowned ''Lisa squirt is my life.... ask Tzuyu to step back she makes her cry... I will make her repent bad''

Lisa looked at Roseanne and smiled she pressed her lips on to her cheek ''I will handle her.... can I have an hour of yours.. please'' Roseanne smiled burying herself in her arms...

Eden View

Tzuyu parked her car a little away from Eden view....... she messaged Sana... Park family was busy having dinner.......... it was a happy dinner after so long.... Sana saw the message and ignored it..... security walked in ''Sana ma'am there is someone asking for you''

Jennie ''I will check''

Sana ''Nini I am fine now... I will check...........'' Sana walked out.... everyone went back to dinner. Sana walked out she was surprised to see Tzuyu ''why are you here''

Tzuyu ''because you refused to take my call.. tell me what have I done''

Sana ''why are you doing all this... look Tzuyu... I am not ready... for feelings for relationships.... not even for friendship........... I want to be alone''

Sana leaned against the portico wall looking down.... she wanted her to leave...

Tzuyu took a step forward locking her to the wall ''Why.. I have never pursued someone so madly the way I am doing with you... what harm will one date do..'' Sana lifted her tear laden eyes up to meet her sparkling brown ones... she opened her lips to say something.. Tzuyu eyes got frozen to the parting rose petals... she lost her control and kissed Sana.... pulling her small frame closer to her large one. her arms went around her waist holding her tight lifting her to toes.... Sana mumbled her protest pushing her..... but the sudden shock and Tzuyu's strength failed her...

Roseanne screamed ''Hands off her Tzuyu Manoban....'' Tzuyu parted.. but she did not leave Sana... she knew she would fall if she left her now.......... Sana was shivering.... her eyes refused to look up. Roseanne pulled Sana in to her arms... Jennie stood between Tzuyu and Sana ''Please leave.. ''

Tzuyu ''I need to speak to her''

Jennie ''Tzuyu... for now just leave don't make me misbehave with you''

Tzuyu ''I am sorry Sana..... I don't know what took over me...... but I really adore you.... sorry again'' Tzuyu walked out...

Roseanne held sobbing Sana tightly....... Jennie caressed her head ''Calm down squirt.. ''

Sana mumbled ''I want to go back.... I will not stay here.......''

Roseanne ''fine... for now stop crying..... or you want mom to know about the reason''

Sana ''No.. please no.... this is embarrassing..... ''

Manoban Mansion

Tzuyu sat in Lisa's room with her face covered with her palms... Lisa had gone nuts after Roseanne called her... she had been pacing angrily... ''I asked you to take this slow... but no... you would never listen''

Tzuyu ''Look Sis... I am myself stressed... don't just hound me''

Lisa ''Tzuyu.... that girl had been ditched twice...... one drugged her almost endangering her life and another one tried molesting her she is hurt scared... yet she put up a brave face to support her sisters. who are not even her real sisters.. and you just gave the poor girl one more scar''

Tzuyu ''Can you give me the name and address of the people who misbehaved with her.......... wanna punch them''

Lisa angrily responded ''Punch yourself then..... ''

Tzuyu ''Sis I like her too much to back out now...... I care a damn what you or your girl or her sister thinks... I have my mind made up.. I had messaged Mom her picture... she approves of her.. I need no more suggestions''

Lisa ''Wow... you have never behaved this way..... what has gotten into you''

Tzuyu ''think this is what madness is.... I will convince her''

Eden View

Jennie accidentally told Jisoo about Sana when she called her.. making her lose her head ''How dare she... I will smash that Tzuyu and her sister too''

Jennie raised her voice now ''you will do no such thing you have hurt Roseanne once..... keep your temper in check... I will do what should be done. do you get me Jisoo''

Jisoo ''Fine... how is squirt''

Jennie ''Better I will see you in the morning'' Jennie watched Roseanne walking out of Sana's room... ''is she fine..''

Roseanne ''yes she is.... just slept want to kill Tzuyu right now''

Jennie ''Rosie... Tzuyu is the right partner for her she just needs to understand that''

Roseanne eyes widened ''Nini.. are you fine that moron misbehaved with her.. ''

Jennie ''Actually that was wrong... but it was just a moment and when you asked her to leave squirt... she still stood there holding her protectively... She does like her... now Squirt had to be convinced on the same. ''

Roseanne was not in the mood to argue she just turned and walked away to her room blabbering.... Jennie peeped into Sana's room.. she was curled up under the blanket.. Jennie gently closed the door before leaving.....

Sana opened her eyes when she felt silence around her.... lying on her back... she kept staring at the ceiling. her POV 'in what way am I beneficial to you Tzuyu Manoban.... why are you doing this' Sana covered her mouth to cover her whimper.... she had her mind made up.. she was leaving New york.. once for all....

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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