Chapter 1: What If... Hot Shot met The Watcher?

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Welcome to Chapter 1!!! Hope you enjoy!!



Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities.

Follow me and ponder the question...

What If...?

The Watcher: The Multiverse. It is the collection of alternate universes that share a universal hierarchy. My role is to observe all that transpires here and I cannot, will not interfere, as I swore an oath. In many of these universes, you already know many of the heroes that reside in every one of these realities. But the one we'll look at is a young hero whom you haven't met until now.

Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier

In a briefing room, where the people currently present are Director Nick Fury, Agent Phil Coulson, Agent Maria Hill, Agent Brock Rumlow, Agent Jasper Sitwell, Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Clint Barton (Hawkeye). They are right now waiting for another person to show up.

Nick Fury: Coulson, is he here yet?

Agent Coulson: He should be here by now. I contacted him about the briefing few hours ago.

Agent Rumlow: (irritated) ugh... I swear if that punk doesn't get here, I'm gonna...

???: Hey!!! Sorry I'm a bit late. I had to deal with a bank robbery.

Agent Rumlow: FINALLY!!! Do you have any idea how long we have been waiting Riley!!

Hot Shot: Well sorry!! I can't magically teleport here! Do you know how long I have to fly to get here?

Natasha Romanoff: Leave him alone Rumlow. (turns to face Hot Shot and smiles at him) Come sit, we were just about to begin.

Hot Shot: (smiles back at her and blushes a bit)  uh...yeah yeah got it.

Clint Barton: (smirking a bit) Well now that Agent Riley is here, what's this about boss?

Nick Fury: Hm. Well anyways, I gathered you all here because S.H.I.E.L.D. has a very busy week.

Hot Shot: *in his head (Ugh, great. Well, hopefully this is going to be somewhat exciting).

The Watcher: Blake Riley, also known by the name Hot Shot, is the hero we'll be focusing. His story is quite a unique one. In many other universes, he came from a world that had lived in peace for centuries. Cybertron.

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