Chapter 11: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 2)

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Rumlow: "I never did get what Fury and that punk sees in her. Sure, she can land a punch, but only 'cause people don't expect it." He said while Blake was rolling his eyes.

And back inside the trailer, Natasha was still kicking ass. She punched a guy in the face, rapidly and punched one in the gut. She quickly blocks their attacks and began to kick the rest in the face.

In the front, there was faint noises coming from the knocked out agents, and truck moved forward a bit two times. Rumlow finally noticed.

Rumlow: "What? Stop! Stop the truck!" He told the driver.

The driver drove to the edge of the road and stopped. Rumlow got out of the truck to quickly check the trailer.

Rumlow: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no." He repeatedly said.

He went to the back of the trailer and opened the door to see all the agents knocked and beaten down, with Agent Romanoff now missing and nowhere to be found.

Rumlow: "Oh! Come on!" He yelled in anger and frustration, raising his arms.

Up above, Blake was chuckling seeing the events unfold.

Blake: "That's my girl." He said with a smile on his face.

Puento Antiguo, New Mexico

It was dark, cloudy, and cold this night. Thunder began to rumble with lightning flashing in the sky. In the middle of a dessert, Agent Coulson had set up a compound surrounding the hammer to study it. Scientists had metal detectors, which made a whirring sound, to use on the hammer. Director Fury, Agent Riley, and Agent Barton were there close to it to examine it.

Barton: "Best we can tell, it's extremely powerful and not from around here. Electromagnetic, neutron, vita radiations, all off the charts." He explained to them.

A guard was patrolling around the perimeter, until someone tackled him to the ground.

Fury: He looks up to hear the noise of thunder. "Well, that doesn't sound ominous at all." He said.

Riley: "Yeah..." He turns to Barton. "Hey, was there suppose to be a thunderstorm or something today? 'Cause I check the weather and there wasn't supposed to be one."

Barton: "It's been happening all night. The artifact has a bit of an attitude."

Riley: "An attitude?" He questioned.

Barton: "Yeah and also, no one can lift it. Not even Jackson, and he does CrossFit."

Fury: "Something that powerful goes missing, someone always comes looking."

Then two more guards were getting knocked out or dragged to the side.

Riley: He sighs. "We just have to cross our fingers that someone is an ally."

Another guard was dragged to the side by a man who then knocked him out. The guard fell to the ground while the man walked away. Then rain started to appear.

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