Chapter 17: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 4)

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Blake Riley has now entered this reality in hopes of saving it and everyone here. With the help of Doctor Strange, will they succeed? Find out now!


Stephen: "What was in that whiskey?" He questioned himself, thinking something weird might've happened to him.

Blake: "Uatu, what's happening?!"

Uatu: "I'm afraid it's over. Reality is now breaking down and there is nothing we could do about it."

Blake: "No, this can't be the end! We have to do something!"

Uatu: "No! If we interfere, it will only make things worse. Please understand, leave it be."

Blake frowned, seeing all those people being erased from existence. The young man takes out the portal device and stares it, thinking to himself. No, I saw my other half turn into something bad and I didn't do anything but watch. I'm not going to make that same mistake with Stephen. He needs my help.

He looks up in determination as he sets the device to that reality and opens the portal. The Watcher turns to see what he has done.

Uatu: "Blake, no! You can't!" He yells.

Blake: "I'm sorry, but I have to try!" He tells him as he then jumps into the portal.

As Stephen was looking around, he sees a bright light forming in front of him. He prepares himself to confront whoever appears. Then, a figure leaped out of the portal and landed. It was Blake Riley, now in Stephen's universe. He looks around, looking left and right to his surroundings, to see everything disappearing. He then looks in front to find Stephen.

Blake: "Stephen!" He runs toward him.

Stephen: "Wait, Blake Riley? Of the Avengers? What are you doing here, how do you know my name, and what just happened?" He asks him.

Blake: "Long story, but look I am Blake Riley. The thing is, I am from a different universe. I know what is happening and I'm here to help!" He simply tells the sorcerer.

Stephen takes a moment to think, but he's got no time, so he might as well accept the help.

Stephen: "Tell me everything you know." He tells him.

Blake: "Well, you see, the whole reason that this reality is breaking down because-

Stephen: "Wait, reality is breaking down?! How?!" He exclaimed.

Blake: "I'm getting to that part! Like I was saying..."

Then, a bright light beamed as both Stephen and Blake turned around to see what appeared to be another portal. The sorcerer turned to look at the young man, gesturing if he knows about that, only for him to shake his head. They look back at the portal to see a shadow figure slowly levitating towards them. Both heroes readied themselves in case this was a threat, but as the figure came in closer... it was revealed to be none other than The Ancient One.

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