Chapter 15: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 2)

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Blake thought he would get away all the grief, sadness, and death but unfortunately, that isn't going to happen. As Stephen went back in time to save Christine and failed, he tries it again for the third time.


Christine: "Well, this is shaping up to be a night to remember."

A light shined from behind Stephen's car and then...crash! The car was hit again as it spun out of control and flew off the side of the road. The car tumbled down the mountain until it lands on the water like last time.

Blake: "Shit! No, no, no, not again! Stephen! Christine!" He yelled.

Stephen opens his eyes and looks towards his left, seeing Christine dead again. Again!

Strange: He gasped seeing her dead again. "No, no, no! Not again. No! Christine!"

He was breathing heavily, til he inhales sharply and uses the Eye of Agamotto again to reverse this. He's going to try doing things differently this time.

A warbling sound was heard as he opened his eyes, to find himself back at the same spot where he picks up Christine. And speaking of...

Christine: "Evening, handsome."

Blake: "Oh boy, what's going to happen here?" He questioned, not liking where this is headed.



Strange: "Your chariot awaits." He says.

He grabs her hand and helps her get into the vehicle. As Stephen closes the door, a reflection of The Watcher and Blake was seen in the window.

As Stephen knew that the mountains were dangerous, he decided to go to a different direction so they would be safe from harm. he thought.

Christine: "Oh, we missed our turn. Isn't the bridge that way?" She asks him.

Strange: "Taking a different route. It's okay. We'll be fine." He says as he puts his hand on her shoulder.

Christine gives a warm smile. Then, headlights from a truck appeared and hit them from the side, causing them to crash. Again.

Blake: "What the hell?! They still crashed?!" He yelled.

Stephen proceeded to use the time stone again. Back at the loop, Christine and Stephen were both talking.

Christine: "You're getting an award. This whole party is for you." She said.

Strange: "Let's stay in. We'll order pizza and crème brûlée." He tries to convince her.

As he sees that nowhere in the roads is safe for her, he thought it would be best that they don't go to the party and stay, just only the two of them.

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