Chapter 24: What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Part 3)

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Blake and Jane work together to try and put an end to Thor's party, or else things will escalate...


Carol: "Hey, Whitesnake. We need to chat."

Thor: "Mmm. Yeah, maybe here's a thought. Uh, how about you just buzz off?"

Loki: "Oh, here we go. Here we go." He commented, knowing what was about to happen.

Blake: "Wait, what's he going to do?"

Thor kept on spinning, as the wind began to blow louder and stronger, causing a few people to fall down.

Carol: "Hey, what did I tell you? Knock it off."

Thor then charged at her, swinging his hammer till he then launched her up in the air, sending her flying from France to the U.K. Everyone gasped, and Blake exclaimed to what happened. Thor saluted to everyone as he flew into the air to go after her.

Thor: [Sighs] "You know what you need?" He asked her.

Carol: "A stiff drink and two weeks in Hawaii?"

Thor: "A time-out. My mother punished me with time-outs all the time, but I never learned a thing. But maybe they'll work on you because you're a party pooper." He said as he kneeled down. "Hey, look, everyone! A party pooper." He called out as he retrieved his hammer.

Everyone: "Pooper! Pooper! Pooper!" They all chanted and pointed at her.

Carol: "Lure him to Siberia and then go kaboom on his ass."

Jane: [Chuckles nervously] "You're not serious. We're not gonna kaboom him."

Hill: "We're talking about the fate of the planet."

Jane: "He's a lughead, sure, and far from the brightest crayon in the box. But this plan is way over the top, and I refuse to let it happen."

Hill: "Now, Agent Riley, are you ready to save the world?"

Blake: "Yes ma'am. And I do have an idea, but I need the help of Carol and Dr. Foster."

A SHIELD vehicle dropped off Jane and Darcy together in Las Vegas, by their SUV. Then, the vehicle drove off.

Darcy: "Damn! There goes my internship with the Galactic Queen Bee."

Jane quickly reached to her pocket and dialed on her phone. She hoped that maybe she can speak to Thor before things start to escalate.

Jane: "Hello, Thor?"

Loki: "Who's this?"

Instead of Thor picking up, it was instead Loki, who was holding the small phone close to his ear.

Jane: "It's Jane. Can you hear me?"

Loki: "Wait. Is this the girl? Thor's new sweet lady? Hello."

Jane: "Is Thor there?" She asked.

Thor was eating some Chinese food with Fandral, Hogun, Volstaag, and the Frost Giants.

Thor was eating some Chinese food with Fandral, Hogun, Volstaag, and the Frost Giants

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