Chapter 10: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 1)

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Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher and joining alongside me is Hot Shot. We'll be your guides through these vast new realities.

Follow us and ponder the question...

What If...?


Blake: "Hey, Watcher. By the way is that your actual name or...?"

Uatu: "You may call me, Uatu, Young Riley."

Blake: "Uatu, I like that name. So what's next. Where are we going?" He asked.

Uatu: "Actually, you will only be observing, as of this universe, it already has a Blake Riley there."

Blake: "Oh, well, okay. What is it?"


Fury: "There was an idea to bring together a group of..."

Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. was simply driving talking, but then was cut off by Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow, who was sitting next to him.

Natasha: "Remarkable people? To see if they could become something more? I know. I've heard the speech." She said, while leaning by the window.

Fury: "Then you realize what's at stake."

Natasha: "Which is why I'm surprised you'd wanna bet the future of the Avengers Initiative on..." She paused with wide eyes and giggled a bit. "...that." She pointed to where Fury had stopped at.

It was Tony Stark sitting in the hole of giant donut, wearing sunglasses, and eating a donut. But he was also accompanied by Agent Blake Riley, who was sitting next to him, also wearing sunglasses, and eating a chocolate donut on one hand and hot chocolate drink on the other.

Fury: He sighs seeing the two. "Stark may be eccentric, but he's got potential. Agent Riley sees it too."

Natasha: "What he's got is a hangover. I still don't know what Blake sees in him."

Fury: "Blake spends most of his spare time with Stark so there is some chemistry between the two." He stated.

Natasha: "Hm." She simply answered.

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