Chapter 7: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 2)

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Yondu: "You two sure don't seem to be freaked out by all of this. What y'all doing out by yourselves anyway? He questions T'Challa.

T'Challa: "Exploring the world and I was helping my friend find his home."

Yondu: "Hm, and you kid?" He looks to T'Challa's side but Blake was missing.

Blake: "Wow! Look at that!!" He was in the front, observing space.

Yondu: He walked up next to the boy. "Pretty, ain't it? But why stop at one world, huh? When we can show you all of them?"

T'Challa walked up next to Blake and both looked at each other with excitement. The galaxy was waiting for them.

20 Years Later...

The Mandela arrived at a very lively planet. Bright colorful lights shined across the city and it would appear to be snowing a bit. It began to land at a large glowing building.

As the ship landed, all the Ravagers went in the building. Blake and T'Challa were walking down the stairs with Yondu, Kraglin, Taserface, and even Korath
following behind them. Blake and T'Challa both observed the place around them.

All different alien species were interacting with each other at different tables, the inside of the building looked very nice and clean, and interesting music was playing in the background.

All the Ravagers each took their drink from the table and raised in the air for celebration.

T'Challa: "Ravagers!" He shouted.

All: "Ravagers!" They shouted as they all clinked their drinks.

They all sat back down and continued enjoying the rest of the night.

Korath: "Star-Lord, Hot Shot, if you had to pick a favorite..."

Blake: "Really, we could not say." He answered.

Korath: "I know, I know, so many heists, so many planets saved. Still, you must have one."

Taserface: "How could you choose just one?" He asked.

Korath: "Oh! What about the Central Bank heist of Tarnax IV?"

Yondu: "Never hurts to hurt a Skrull, right?"

They all laughed remembering the adventure they had at that time.

Female Ravager: "That job paid for Kraglin's teeth." She added.

Korath: "How about when you armed the Ankaran resistance?"

Blake: He chuckled. "Yeah, don't remind me of that."

Kraglin: "Oh, man. Barely made it out of that one." He added.

Korath: "How exactly did you stop Thanos, the Mad Titan, from decimating half of the universe?" Then, a huge purple hand landed on his shoulder. "Oh, no." He looks up a bit scared.

" He looks up a bit scared

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