Chapter 26: What If...Ultron Won? (Part 2)

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The post-apocalyptic variants travel to Siberia, in hopes of finding Zola and put an end to Ultron, for good...


Uatu: "We've seen this before, a universe in the final days of destruction. But this particular story... This, this one breaks my heart."

Tony: "I see a suit of armor around the world." He said as he was looking over the scepter.

Uatu: "He saw a world of peace. With the Mind Stone, Tony Stark created Ultron. But Ultron only saw one path to peace."

Ultron was shown, as he opened his eyes. He looked to see various footage reels, that involved the Avengers and the destruction that happens.

Ultron: "The elimination of all life."

Tony: "You don't... [Grunts] You don't have to do this. I made you for peace." He tries to tell him, as he was struggling to pull himself up.

Ultron: He floats above Stark. "It's evolution. Only a primitive mind would fail to see the distinction. Which is why you have to die." He said.

Uatu: "But the age of Ultron was only beginning."

Ultron: "Wow, I see everything. There are worlds beyond my own. Worlds that need... me." He said, fascinated as his helmet covered his face.

Uatu: "The realization nearly broke the machine. With his mission complete, Ultron was now just a program without a purpose. The victor without a war, sentenced to spend all of eternity... alone." He said.

As the Watcher was speaking, Ultron opened his eyes and slowly looked around. Almost like he heard something...or someone.

Ultron: "Who...who said that?" He questioned.

Ultron: "I see you. Both of you."

Both gasped as Uatu stood back a bit, while Blake fell down, crawling back a bit. Ultron moved a bit forward.

Ultron: "Blake, is that you? How are you there? Where are you exactly?" He paused as he gasped in realization. "There are universes beyond my own." He said as his helmet covered his face.

Uatu: "Even I cannot imagine the horrors that might follow." He said, frightened of the idea.

Blake: "No. No, this can be it. There's gotta be something that can be able to take down Ultron, right? I mean, those other survivors mentioned something about it."

Uatu: "You're right. Even that machine is not as invincible as it might think. There is still hope for this universe. One last hope."

Clint: "I'm not frustrated. I'm not. I'm tired, okay? We've all lost so much. And I'm not sure there's anything left worth fighting for. He's already taken over every program on the planet." He said, sounding hopeless.

Natasha: "Yes, yes. Every digital program. The one that I have in mind is a little more analog."

Clint: " 'Zola'. What is that, an acronym?" He asked.

Blake (P-A): "He's a man. Or at least he was. And he is gonna help us wipe out Ultron." He said as the trio walked off and began to go to their destination.

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