Chapter 5: What If...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger? (Finale)

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Here we go!!! The finale of the Captain Carter story!!!

On a snowy mountain ledge, there stood Captain Carter, Hot Shot, Sergeant Barnes and the Howling Commandos waiting for the oncoming train to come through.

While they wait, Blake thinks back on how he got to this point. It's crazy to believe that not only he would travel to a different universe and team up with Captain Carter but also the fact that he was dating her as well as Steve Rogers. So far, everything was great with the three of them.

Peggy: Blake, are you ready?

Blake: *stands up* Oh yeah, ready to go.

Peggy: If our intel is correct and the Red Skull, the very head of HYDRA is on that train...

Bucky: We can end the war? Yeah. I've heard that one before. Something about this smells as fresh as three-day old fish.

Blake: *teasing* Or maybe you're just afraid of trains.

Bucky simply nods while Peggy was just giggling.

Steve, in the HYDRA Stomper, flew overhead and went down towards the train. He flew right alongside it and up to the front to stop it right in its tracks. He uses all the strength to slow down the train, allowing for the team to drop in.

Steve: I'm in position.

Peggy: *radio* Copy. Time to make our entrance.

Peggy: Commencing Operation "Where Eagles Dare."

As the HYDRA Stomper continued to slow the train down, Captain Carter slid down a zip line ,which they had set up. Following behind her were Blake, Bucky, and the Howling Commandos.

Peggy landed on the top of train and Blake followed, but as soon as Bucky landed he slipped and almost fell. Luckily Peggy managed to catch him and brought him back up.

Bucky: Whew! Thanks. You almost ripped my arm off. *rubbing his left arm*

Blake: *smirks* Come on, let's not rest just yet. *extends his arm to help Bucky get back up*

Peggy: Rogers, what's your status? Do you see the Red Skull?

Steve: I've got a visual, but... I'm going in for a closer look.

Peggy: Copy that.

Bucky: Hey, don't forget to knock!

Blake shake the feeling the something is off. He remembered back the stories he read where Captain America and his allies were on the same operation as he is doing right now. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out that great and Sergeant Barnes died on that day. He's hoping this wouldn't happen here but he would be prepared for anything that could throw at them.

Steve ripped open the side of train to take a look inside. As he walked in, he hears a beeping noise. He turns to see a set of dynamite getting ready to blow up!

Steve: Oh, no. Peggy, Blake, go! Get out of-


Everyone looked up ahead as they heard an explosion. They look to see that train was starting to explode. Everyone quickly ran back and jumped out of train. Blake and Peggy jump out last and landed in front of the team, with Peggy using her shield to block everyone behind her. The train then fell down off the mountain. Blake immediately ran towards the gaping hole with Peggy and the others following behind.

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