Chapter 9: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 4)

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Yondu: "Star-Lord, Hot Shot, you two are explorers. And for people like you, like us, the past ain't nothing but a prison."

He then began to walk around and then stopped to look at the two when they were facing the other way. The Ravagers were behind Yondu as well.

Yondu: "You two don't belong down there with them. You belong up here with us, with your family." He spread his arms out and gave a smile.

Blake: "You are NOT our family! You never were." He had an angry face at first but then turned to sadness. T'Challa nodded at Blake's statement.

Yondu and the Ravagers looked at them with shocked and saddened looks.

Korath: "Damn, that hurts." He said sadly.

Then, a beeping noise was heard. Blake and T'Challa looked to see the lasers off and Corvus Glaive standing there.

Corvus: "The Collector is ready for you two." He then hits them both with his spear, knocking them out.

Blake was leaning on a glass container, still knocked out along with T'Challa, who was in another container next to his.

T'Challa was the first to wake up. He put his hands on the glass and began to pound it. He looks over to his right to see his partner still knocked out.

T'Challa: "Blake. Blake, wake up." He banged on the glass to get his attention.

Blake: He finally wakes up. "What the... What's going on?!"

Then a red laser was scanning the two, going up and down. They look over to see the Collector standing, observing them closely.

Collector: "I must apologize for all that awkwardness back there with Nebula. I simply abhor drama." He walks in front of them.

Blake: "Ha, your outfit would suggest otherwise." He crossed his arms.

T'Challa: "What is it you want with us, Tivan?" He asked the Collector.

The Collector walked away bit towards Carina and Ebony Maw, who both have their arms behind their backs.

Collector: "There is a blank wall in the commissary that I just haven't been able to find the right piece for." He turns back to the two while Carina had a conflicting look on her face.

T'Challa: "We are just ordinary humans, hardly a work of art." He stated.

Collector: He walked towards T'Challa. "Ah. I must admit now that I see you in the flesh, you are."

T'Challa gave a disdain look while the Collector was observing him.

Collector: "Hmm, are you sure you two can't fly or shoot lasers out of your eyes or something?"

Blake: "Let's go a few rounds and you can find out for yourself, Tivan." He also gave a disdain look.

Collector: He walks towards Blake. "Pass. I prefer you in the cage." He then walks away.

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