Chapter 21: What If...Zombies?! (Part 4)

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The heroes reached to Camp Lehigh where they met up with Vision and Scott Lang, who was cured and now a head in a jar. They have found a solution to cure the world, but there is something Vision is hiding in the base. Whatever could it be?


Vision: "Mmm. Well, the operative point is I cured him."

Peter: "Which means you can cure others."

Vision: "Theoretically, but..." He tried to explain but he was cut off by Bruce.

Bruce: "We'll need access to a satellite network to broadcast the Mind Stone frequency worldwide."

Vision: "Well, again, theoretically, but the technology required to do so is currently beyond human capability." He explained.

Okoye: "Not in Wakanda. And thanks to our force shields, it remains the last human sanctuary on Earth." She said.

Blake (Z.H.): "Alright then, we got a plan and a shot to pull this off. I'm going to take a look around the base, see if I can any mode of transportation. The rest of you, stay put here."

Bucky: "I'm coming with you, Riley." He said, as he loaded his pistol and stood up.

Natasha: "Me too. Cassie, stay with the group." She tells her as she nodded.

The three began to walk off, as Vision then called out to them.

Vision: "Blake, you three will not find...what you are looking for." He said, as he narrowed his eyes toward the trio walking away.

Up above, Blake raised his eyebrows, wondering what this android is hiding. He has bad feeling on what's going to happen next.

Thud! The door was kicked down to the ground, with Blake on the other side scoping around the place. He has pistol and rift edge weapon in front of him in case of any attack. He even had a flashlight on his pistol, to look around dark areas. He slowly moves in to the dark room with Bucky and Natasha following behind him.

They entered the next room, where it would appeared to be a medical area. It was all...empty. Back with the group, everyone was just sitting there and waiting for the three to come back. While they're waiting, Bruce was looking over something by the monitor.

Bruce: "Uh, according to these security logs, we're not the first to respond to Vision's signal." He said as he looked at Peter.

Peter: [He scoots over to him] "More survivors! Well, then where are they?" He asked.

Vision glanced, very awkwardly, to them. Up above, Blake narrowed his eyes at the android, knowing that he is hiding something.

Blake, Natasha, and Bucky looked around the room to find various clothing on the ground. Then, a soft growl was heard as the three stopped in their tracks. They look around to find where it was coming from, while a figure slowly gets up from behind. Bucky quickly turned around and fired his pistol, only for it to hit glass with a zombie behind it. Blake walks forward and gasped to find out that the zombie was actually Wanda, his girlfriend on the other side.

Natasha: "Oh my god." She whispered as she had her hand covering her mouth in shock.

Blake (Z.H.): [Whispers] "Wanda? W-What is she...?"

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