Chapter 8: What If...T'Challa Became A Star Lord? (Part 3)

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Yondu: "You two may be the souls of this ship, but I am still the captain." He spoke as he turned to face them, with his hands tucked behind his back.

Blake: "But we are Ravagers. We do not back down from a fight." He spoke up.

Yondu: "No, no. We steal from the rich and give to the poor, just like that earthling folk hero of yours, right? Robin Leach."

Both: "Robin Hood." Both corrected him.

Yondu: "Whatever. That's our racket." He then turns back, looking out the window again.

T'Challa: "We've been picking pockets for loose coins. If we truly want to change the galaxy, accomplish all we set out to do, then it's time we robbed the bank."

Yondu: He sighs. "Oh, jeez. Never have been any good at saying no to you, boys." He looks back at them smiling.

Nebula stood in between a bunch of screens while T'Challa and Blake were right behind her.

Nebula: "The Collector's got a famous kink for exotic flora and fauna. The Embers will be housed with the rest of his conquests, here." She explains to the group.

T'Challa: "A museum that doubles as his base of operations." He looks over to one of the screens with Blake.

Blake: "A mining colony in a severed head of an ancient celestial being." He added.


The Mandela flies through space and into the head of the deceased celestial. It then flies throughout a city which was inside.

Thanos: He looks to the screen where it showed Ebony Maw, a member of the Black Order. "He's got the Black Order doing security. Take it from me, they're bad news. How do you plan on sneaking past them?" He asks.

Nebula: "I don't. I'm gonna knock on their front door like a lady." She said while crossing her arms and smirking.

A door opened revealing a woman with pink skin and her hair tied into pigtails smiling.

Carina: "My Lady Nebula. Captain Udonta. I'm here to fetch you for my master."

Nebula: "Yondu and I will pose as sellers looking to unload that orb you recovered on Morag. But really, it'll be T'Challa and Blake inside."

As she was explaining, it showed Nebula and Yondu entering with a large container, which inside showed both Star Lord and Hot Shot squished together with both their masks on.

As the three continued on, there was a woman with blue hair, Polynesian purple skin, gold should plate, and a spear. It was Proxima Midnight, another member of the Black Order.

Carina: "Our head of security, Proxima Midnight." She introduced as the three walked passed her.

Yondu: "Looks like they got an exhibit running the museum." He looks at her and gives a two finger salute.

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