Chapter 25: What If...Ultron Won? (Part 1)

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Uatu and Blake witness a reality where an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark, named Ultron, destroyed all life in the universe. But they soon realise, it was a mistake to view this universe...

Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher and joining alongside me is Hot Shot. We'll be your guides through these vast new realities.

Follow us and ponder the question...

What If...?


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Uatu: "We've seen this before, a universe in the final days of destruction. But this particular story... This, this one breaks my heart."

Up above a grey dim sky, with snow falling down, both Uatu and Blake were there, their eyes glowing. They look down to see this particular universe, where a city was destroyed. Then an engine noise was heard, as a motorcycle drove into the city.

Behind the wheel, was this universe's Natasha Romanoff and behind her was another Blake Riley. Above them, a couple of Ultron Sentries were flying after them.

Blake (Post-Apocalyptic): "Nat." He called out to her, as both looked behind them to see the Sentries.

Natasha: "Here they come. We got 90 seconds. Start the clock."

Inside of a destroyed building, a figure stepped out of the shadows, wearing cloak and hood over his head. The person was revealed to be Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, and he had a robotic arm. He kneeled down and shoots a couple of arrows, all destroying the drones.

Natasha and Blake looked up to see another group coming in, and began opening fire. Clint fired more arrows, as they continued on the chase. Another group of Sentries came at them from the front, but Natasha quickly changed direction and deployed some bombs from the back of her motorcycle.

As Clint landed another shot at one of the sentries, they all noticed and began moving towards him. Hawkeye simply turned around to then have his cloak turn him invisible. The robots landed to where he was last spotted, as Clint grabbed an arrow and stabs the robot in the head. His cloak was removed as he began fighting every sentry with his arrow, and shooting three arrows to their heads.

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