Chapter 4: What If...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger? (Part 3)

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Welcome to Part 3 for the Captain Carter episode!! We're almost close into finishing this and moving on to the next part!! Starting from the chapter towards the rest of the story, Hot Shot's love life is about to get interesting. Hope you enjoy!!

Blake was at a loss for words right now. He is staring right at Steve Rogers wearing a giant metal suit of armor. Does that pretty much mean that Steve Rogers became Iron Man before Tony Stark? He immediately snapped back into reality just as a missile fired directly to the mech's head. It stumbled back just a bit and proceeded to put his hand on the tank's main gun, crushing it backwards and caused the whole tank to exploded as it tried to fire again. Peggy jumped out of the small trench and ran towards Steve to help him deal with the tanks, while Blake, Bucky, and the rest stayed behind, trying to process what is happening right now.

Dugan: Hold on a second, you and her are friends with that..."HYDRA Stomper".

Blake: *nodding his head* Mhm.

Bucky: I think I'm friends with him too.

The HYDRA Stomper began to blast more of the oncoming HYDRA tanks approaching towards him. Peggy landed on one of the tanks, traveling past Steve.

Steve: Stark made me some new dancing shoes. What do you think?

Peggy: Well, then we better start dancing.

She slammed her shield on the tank she was currently on and proceeded to unclip a grenade and throwing it in before she jumps off. The soldiers inside noticed this and only shouted in terror before the tank blew up. Peggy landed on her feet while another tank approaches toward her. She, of course notices this, then uses her shield to swipe the side of the tank's wheels, causing it to tip over and blow up. Blake, Bucky, and the rest of the soldiers came up behind Peggy and looked forward towards the smoke. The HYDRA Stomper came out of the smoke and stopped in front of everyone. The top of the mech opened up and popped up Steve, looking down at everyone. Peggy and Blake smiled up towards their friend, while Bucky makes a funny comment.

Bucky: Hold on, you can't even drive a car.

Dugan: So a dame, a kid, and a flying Buick. Okay.

Steve: Let's hear it for Captain Carter and Hot Shot!

Everyone began to cheer for both Peggy and Blake. They looked at each other and smiled.

Peggy: Save the cheers for the victory parade. We have a war to win!

(I'm going to be replace the montage part and add in my own thing here.)

It's safe to say that Blake was living the time of his life. He was pretty much in WWII helping Captain Carter, Steve Rogers, Howard Stark, Bucky Barnes, and the Howling Commandos fight back against HYDRA. It was really huge honor for him that the people he is working with considered him an ally and an honorable friend. After breaking out the prisoners, he got a chance to properly talk with Sergeant Barnes and the others and immediately became great friends with them. Blake also became close towards Steve and Howard and trusted each other with their lives. As for Peggy, they were inseparable. They stopped many HYDRA soldiers without leaving each other's side. Little did they know that the more they bond, their feelings would also grow for each other. Of course, he along with Peggy, Steve, Howard and the others really do hate working alongside Colonel Flynn. Blake even caught him talking to the President and taking credit for himself that he was the reason they are winning the war. That guy didn't even want Peggy and Blake to be on the front lines. Other than that, Hot Shot was having a lot of fun.

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