Chapter 22: What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Part 1)

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Blake ventures off to a world he meets with Thor, the Party Prince and gets dragged into one of his parties to then unleash his inner party animal...

Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher and joining alongside me is Hot Shot. We'll be your guides through these vast new realities.

Follow us and ponder the question...

What If...?


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It was nighttime as the stars shine in the night sky and crickets chirping. In the middle of a desert, a van was sitting there, with the headlights still on. The people inside were clearly waiting for someone or something to appear from where they are. Then, a woman's voice was heard.

Darcy: "For the win. This is it."

A clinking noise was heard inside the van, indicting that she might've missed her shot.

Darcy: "And this is it, for the win."

Another noise was heard, she missed her shot again. In the driver's seat, another woman was there, only she was just sleeping. The person sleeping was Dr. Jane Foster. And in the back was Darcy Lewis, Jane's intern. She was currently throwing peanuts inside a coffee cup.

Darcy: "For the win. This is it. For the..." She throws the peanut inside the cup. "Yes! First try. Jane, you owe me 50..."

She was then cut off as the computer began beeping. She looked over to see the screen turn on, indicting that something was approaching.

Darcy: "Uh... Oh! Uh... Uh, Jane, Jane, Jane! It's beeping! It's doing the beeping!" She exclaimed.

Darcy quickly moved to the driver's seat to wake up Dr. Foster. She woke up and gasped to hear the sudden beeping. She then gets up and calls someone on her phone.

Jane: "I need to talk to the director of SHIELD. Because, if my data is correct, I believe an alien invasion is imminent and-." She was then hung up. "Hello?"

Then, a huge rumbling noise was heard as a bright light shined upon the night sky. Darcy opened up the roof panels of the SUV, and she sees the bright light, while Jane was still talking on the phone.

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