Chapter 13: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 4)

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Natasha: "You won't win. Not against me. Not against S.H.I.E.L.D." She said as she stood up, turned around, and prepared a fighting stance.

She was then pushed back to the wall, where her phone fell to the ground, still dialing to Fury. Blake then began to tremble and tear up, seeing the woman he loved now die. The Watcher notices this and puts his hand on the young man's shoulder.

Natasha was tossed to a bookshelf. She then aimed her gun but it was smacked out of her hand. She was then getting hit by something that no one could see.

Fury (Voicemail): "You found me. You know what to do."

She was then launched to the ceiling falling back down, and launched up again without recovering for a second. As she stood up, she was then hit to the book shelf and back to the ceiling. She groaned in pain. As she laid on the ground, she crawled trying to get to her phone.

Natasha: "Fury, it's Hope! It's all about Hope! Tell Blake I love-" She was then cut off being dragged away, screaming.

Blake looked away, tears pouring down his face. It pained his heart more that her variant and his never got the chance to admit their feelings towards each other, and now he will never know. Natasha Romanoff, of this universe, is now...gone. Only Blake Riley remains...

Back in New Mexico...

It was late at night. A helicopter came flying over a small town, where a few amount of agents were guarding a small diner.

Natasha (Voicemail): "It's Hope! It's all about Hope! Tell Blake I love- Ahhhhhhh!!"

Inside the diner, Director Fury was playing the voicemail Agent Romanoff left for him before she died. He replayed the voicemail again.

Natasha (Voicemail): "It's Hope! It's all about Hope! Tell Blake I love- Ahhhhhhh!!" The voicemail replayed.

Fury listened to it again, trying to figure out what she meant by "Hope, it's all about Hope." However, it was hard for him to focus that not only did he lost Banner, but also Natasha, one of his best agents. He had a feeling that both Romanoff and Riley had feelings for each other, and her last message confirmed it. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain it to Blake since he is on his way to the Diner.

Coulson: "Sir, how are we going to explain this to Agent Riley?" He asks him.

Fury: He sighs. "I don't know but we do have to tell him..."

Coulson: "Sir, I understand that this whole situation is the very reason you proposed the Avengers Initiative for a group of remarkable individuals to fight the battles we can't."

Fury: "I wrote the speech." He said as he took a sip of coffee.

Coulson: "There is still another name left, sir. Yours." He puts the Avengers Initiative file on the table and points to Fury's signature.

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