Chapter 20: What If...Zombies?! (Part 3)

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The survivors are headed to Camp Lehigh but trouble brews for them up ahead...


Bruce: "We did it. Destination, Camp Lehigh."

As the train continued to their destination, Peter walked to one of the carts to meet up with the others, wearing the Cloak on his shoulders.

Cassie: "Petey!" She yelled as she quickly ran towards him and hugged him.

Hope: "It's a good look on you." She said as she noticed the Cloak.

Peter: "Really? You think I could pull it off?" He asked.

Natasha: "Maybe you'll grow into it, мой паучок." She said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. Blake joined in on the hug as well.

Up above, Hot Shot was very curious about this young hero. It does seem that Nat has taken a liking towards him, as did he. Even though they haven't met, he already is taking liking toward the kid too.

Okoye: "I'm sorry. We should have stayed together." She said.

In the last compartment of the train, Sharon was all by herself, looking over the city as the train was moving. As she was heading back to regroup with the others, a strange noise was heard from above. She looks up to hear soft thudding. She aimed her repulsor glove to the ceiling, till something dropped, causing her to fall back.

The train entered a tunnel, which turned everything dark on the inside, with a bit of light showing. She slowly looks to see something getting up as well. She began to blast at it.

On the other side, Blake meets up with Bucky and wanted to ask to where Sharon was. Before he could, a blast was heard and a scream following.

Bucky: "Sharon?"

Another scream was heard, as the two rushed to her aid.

Blake (Z.H.): "Sharon!" He yelled.

They ran down to the next compartment to where Sharon was. As they opened the door and entered through, they see a zombie eating her body.

Bucky: "I think you've had enough, Cap."

The zombie, now identified as Zombie Cap, slowly rose up. He was twitching and growling as he was barely visible in the light. Both Bucky and Blake narrowed their eyes and prepare themselves for a fight. The zombie slowly moved to the light as he growled and roared at them.

 The zombie slowly moved to the light as he growled and roared at them

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