Chapter 14: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 1)

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After witnessing the deaths of his friends from another universe, now he witnesses another tragic story of one, Doctor Stephen Strange.



Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher and joining alongside me is Hot Shot. We'll be your guides through these vast new realities.

Follow us and ponder the question...

What If...?


Blake: "Oh my god..."

Uatu: "I know. I'm sorry Blake, that I shown you this. I wanted you to see that in a multiverse of possibilities, you have to expect that some aren't like the ones you experienced and that they could be dangerous."

Blake: "So that's it? The people I care about were murdered and I became a psycho Batman?" He asks Uatu.

Uatu: "Again, I'm sorry. That world may be in a dark place now, but I believe that in this universe, as in every other, hope never dies. As long as someone keeps their good eye on the bigger picture."

Blake: He sighs. "I sure hope so. What's next, Uatu?"

Uatu: "This next one, well you would only have to observe, just like this one earlier. Are you ready?"

Blake: He takes a deep breath and exhales. "I'm ready."

Uatu: "We have watched how one moment, one choice, can ripple across space and time, giving birth to new stories, heroes, whole universes. But what if it's the wrong choice? What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?"

Up above the night sky, few lights shine on the tall buildings, the shadow figures of both The Watcher and Hot Shot stand there, looking down below on this universe.

A car was slowly approaching and stopped. A man got out from his car, wearing a nice tuxedo, went over to the other side and opened the car door. He wiped his hands and held them together as he was waiting for someone. The man that was focused here was none other than Dr. Stephen Strange

Then, a door opened and stepped out, was a woman wearing a wonderful blue dress, earrings, and makeup. It was Dr. Christine Palmer. She sees Stephen and gives a warm smile.

Christine: "Evening, handsome."

Strange: "This? I just pulled it out of the dryer. Whereas you, stunning." He says as she walked towards him.

Christine: "I'm only going for dessert. You promised me crème brûlée." She tells him as she enters the vehicle.

Strange: He chuckles. "I suspect we can do a little better than that."

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