Chapter 18: What If...Zombies?! (Part 1)

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After the events with Doctor Strange Supreme, Blake has been brought up to witness another reality going to hell, but this...was way worse...



Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher and joining alongside me is Hot Shot. We'll be your guides through these vast new realities.

Follow us and ponder the question...

What If...?


Blake: "So where to next?"

Uatu: He blinked in surprise. "Blake, are you sure you don't want to take this time to relax a bit before moving forward?" He asked him.

Blake: "I'll be fine. What's next on the list?"

Uatu: "Well...I'm not sure about this one we are about to witness next. It is quite...horrific. Are you sure you want to see this reality? We don't have to view it, we can move on to something else." He offered.

Blake took a deep breath and looked at the Watcher.

Blake: "I'll manage. Just what is so bad about this next reality?"

Uatu: "Well, for one, I want you to stay and only view this one."

Blake: "No interfering, got it."

Uatu: "Prepare yourself for this one, Young Riley. This is one that you'd never expect to happen..."

Space. There was nothing more than just the stars filling the empty void. Then, a bright light shined in the distance. It was bright beam filled with various colors and there was someone being carried through there. It was the Hulk, only he looked to be older with the grey hairs showing on the side.

Uatu: "Dr. Bruce Banner, the human hiding within the Hulk, fell from the stars to warn humanity of imminent danger. But the world he found was not one he recognized."

Blake was confused to what he meant by that but continued observing. The beam took the Hulk back to Earth, right down in New York. He crashed through the ceiling of the Sanctum Sanctorum, which Blake immediately recognized.

As he crashed in the staircase, he immediately turned back into Bruce Banner, where he was lying on the group, breathing heavily, and kept repeating words.

Bruce: He pants. "Thanos is coming. He's coming."

Blake's eyes widened as soon as he heard Bruce mention his name. The Thanos he knew was a friend and ally back in T'Challa's universe, but in here, he must've gone through with his plan to wipe out half of the universe.

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