Chapter 16: What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead...? (Part 3)

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Stephen Strange has reached the Lost Library of Cagliostro and is now on the search for the knowledge to create a paradox to save Christine. Will he find what he is looking for? Find out now.


As he fell, he landed on face and slowly gets back

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As he fell, he landed on face and slowly gets back. Then, someone was approaching behind him. He turns around to see the stranger again, carrying a large stick with fire to light up the cave.

O'Bengh: He laughs, seeing Strange. "You have to be the strangest-dressed sorcerer I've ever seen.

Strange: He clears his throat as he stood up. "Uh...yeah, it's Armani. I've come here for Sorcerer Cagliostro. According to legend, he knew how to break an Absolute Point in time. Where can I find Cagliostro?" He asks him.

O'Bengh: "Well, maybe here, maybe there. Maybe nowhere."

Strange: "Wonderful. You're cryptic. Please tell me you're not Cagliostro."

O'Bengh: He chuckles. "The name's O'Bengh, librarian for the books of Cagliostro." He introduces himself.
"Come, this way, Sorcerer Armani."

Strange: "No, it's Strange."

O'Bengh: "Not any stranger than any other name in this world.

Strange began to follow O'Bengh. The librarian opened two doors that lead into the library. Inside there was many books on the tallest shelves, with a Sakura (the pink tree) in the middle of the room.

Strange: He gasps, taking it all in. "The lost books."

O'Bengh: "How long will you be staying here?" He asks Stephen.

Strange: "As long as it takes." He simply said.

The librarian then walks away, as Stephen proceeded to use his magic to bring all the books to him. All of the books flew from the shelves and were brought towards him. Blake observed this, worried about what he was going to do. Even, if this does work, what would be the consequences? He keeps thinking to himself, should he try to intervene? To stop Stephen from doing all of this?

 Even, if this does work, what would be the consequences? He keeps thinking to himself, should he try to intervene? To stop Stephen from doing all of this?

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