Chapter 29: What If...The Watcher Broke His Oath? (Part 3) Finale

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The end is near...our heroes are sure that this battle is far from over. Can they be able to survive this battle and save the entire multiverse? Find out now!


Ultron: "I can destroy galaxies with a thought. Why won't you die?!" He snarled as he created a giant blast.

Everyone tried their best to shield themselves from the blast, as it almost destroyed the planet they were on. But, the explosion was reverted back as Blake and Peggy look to see Strange absorbing the explosion. He simply ate it, and his eyes glowed.

Ultron: "Wait. W-What?" He was baffled.

Strange then began to unleash his true power, from all the creatures he absorbed to take him down. Strange even began to transform into a demonic creature in the process. He then released giant tentacles to grab Ultron. Peggy, Blake, and T'Challa watched in shock and astonishment of what he was capable of.

The tentacles dragged Ultron down to the ground, releasing the stone from his grasp. Gamora grabbed the stone, while Peter quickly webbed Ultron down. Then, Thor struck down lightning.

Gamora: "You're done." She said, as she was holding her blade up in the air.

Then, there was a large blast, as everyone shielded themselves from the explosion. As the smoke, everyone then looked at each other.

Thor: "Whew! Uh... Is that it? Is it over? Hmm. We win? Yeah? Not so hard."

T'Challa: "It doesn't feel over."

Blake: "Yeah...I don't like this one bit."

A loud ringing noise was heard inside of Peter's head, as he began to look around. His spider senses began to warn of imminent danger. The Guardians notice him being alarmed.

Killmonger: "What is it, kid?" He asked.

Peter: "He's still here." He responded, as he quickly put on his mask.

Ultron: "I'm honestly surprised. Didn't the Watcher warn you? Every universe is different, each one just a fraction unique. Thus the Infinity Stones are unique."

The Guardians turned back to back and huddled close together, forming a circle. Each member prepared themselves and looked around for any signs of Ultron.

Gamora: "Of course. The Crusher was designed to destroy the stones on my world, not his." She said to the group.

Blake: "Dammit..."

Then, they turned to the flames to see Ultron flying up to the sky. They all watched him, floating in the air. Then, the stones began to glow.

Peggy: "Brace yourselves." She tells the group.

Ultron used the stones' powers to blast the group, but they were all protected by the spell. Ultron then realized something.

Ultron: "You. It's you. If I destroy you, you all fall." He said, as he looked at Stephen.

Ultron lifted his hand, as he created another blast to try and dissolve the spell. The team tries to shield themselves, while they are being pushed back. Iron Man quickly created a shield of his own and stood in front of Spider-Man, to help him out.

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