Chapter 12: What If...The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? (Part 3)

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Natasha: "I'm here about Tony Stark. I believe he was murdered."

Betty: She then stopped. "What? By whom?"

Natasha: "Me. Or at least someone's trying to make it look that way, using this."

She took out the needle she injected Stark with and gave it to Betty. She grabbed it and examined it closely.

Betty: "So, why did you come to me?"

Natasha: "You're an expert in the tactical applications of cellular biology." She explained.

Betty: "There are plenty of others. Why did you really come here?"

Natasha: "I need to keep this off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar and you seem to have some experience in that department." She said while lowering her sunglasses.

Dr. Ross looked to the side, a bit unsure if she should help. Nevertheless, she agreed to help.

Betty had taken Natasha to her class to examine the needle. She was looking the microscope to see a closer look at it.

Betty: "Mmm. Well, your injector's clean and there's no traces of lethal pathogens of any kind." She said.

She moved to let Natasha use the microscope to look closely at the needle.

Natasha: "Then what killed him?"

She looked through to see that the tip of the needle seemed to be almost broken up.

Betty: "Whatever it was, it wasn't biological. Your antidote didn't even make it out of the syringe. It looks to me like a tiny projectile of some kind was fired from the needle." She explained.

Natasha: She looks at Dr. Ross. "You're thinking nanotech."

Betty: "I'm a biologist, not a ballistics expert. And I believe we're done here."

Natasha stood up straight and puts on her sunglasses, while Betty had her arms crossed and watched her leave. Natasha looks to the side to see a bright red jacket and hat, which both had a logo that said, "Stanley's Pizza Parlor."

Natasha: "Huh. You got a side job, Dr. Ross?" She asked her.

Betty: "What? I don't know. I... A student must have left it there." She said, giving a lame explanation.

Natasha chuckled, knowing that she was clearly lying. Then, her phone rang. She took out her phone and had it close to her ear.

Riley: "Nat, I got bad news and worse news. Are you in a secure location?"

Natasha: "Not currently. Why, did something happen?" She asked him.

Riley: He sighed heavily on the phone. "Clint is dead."

Natasha's eyes widened in shock, hearing him saying that to her.

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