Chapter 23: What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Part 2)

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Unfortunately, our young hero is getting too much into Thor's parties, until someone comes along...


"Citizens of Midgard. Your dull loves are about to come to an end."

The people began to gasp and backed up a bit in fear, worried to what was going to happen.

"Prepare yourselves..."

The bright light then disappeared as one of the began to step forward and reveal himself to everyone to be none other than...

Thor: "For the party prince!" He announced as he raised his arms up.

Frigga: "Now, this is your first taste of kinghood, my prince. I expect you to study, read up on the Nine Realms that you will one day rule."

Thor: "Of course, Mother."

Frigga: "No parties."

Thor: "Of course, Mother."

Thor: "Oh, ye of little faith. We are going to the most backward, backwater planet that not even Heimdall pays attention to." He said as he passed down drinks to his friends as they raised their cups. "Alert the realms." He took a drink and smashes his cup to the ground. "Party on Midgard!"

Coulson: "Director, the party atmosphere seems to be spreading." He said as he showed the map. "Canada, Mongolia, even Pennsylvania Dutch country. Led by the main instigator, Thor of Asgard, who's now taken to the skies."

Blake: "Hello?"

Thor: "Blake, buddy! Listen, I'm at Paris and I'm planning something huge! We want to come over 'cause this really important!"

Blake: "Uh, sure?"

Thor: "Great! I'll come and get you!" He said as he hung up.

Coulson: "Can we really trust him to handle this task?"

Hill: "We trusted Agent Riley on various missions and occasions, but for this particular feat, no. I think the party has gotten into his head. I can't risk it."

She then grabbed the beeper from the case and pressed the button, sending a signal for Carol Danvers to respond. She looked out, and sighed. "I'm sorry, Blake", she said in her head.


Thor: "All right, here we go. Nestle on in. Everyone say "waffles." I love that word."

Thor, along with three other women, huddled together for a selfie. They throw up a peace sign for the photo.

 They throw up a peace sign for the photo

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