Falling Rose petals

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Yeonjun's outfit⬆️

10th Grade

"Y/N!" my friend Beomgyu called me. Me and Yeonjun are in the same friend group as him including three more people. Being a polite person I looked up at him and gave him a small smile "What's up?" I asked him "Get up! Yeonjun needs you!" he said with a sense of urgency in his voice as he yanked me from my seat and started dragging me. I was kind of worried since Beomgyu talked liked it was a matter of life and death.

After a few minutes of running we finally arrived at the school's gymnasium. "You go in first I have to call the nurse" he said as he ran away to another direction. As soon as he said that I burst into the gym making sure to slam the door wide open. As I peeked inside everything was dark. No lights and the windows were closed and covered. It was pitch black.

"Hello? Yeonjun?" I called out for him as I try to find the light switch.

Suddenly some lights turned on though the lighting was a bit dim I could still see. I looked around spotted  something in the middle of the gym.
I walked towards it and there was a table with a huge bouquet of roses 'my favorite' I thought. Beside the roses there was a letter and a box of chocolates. I opened the letter and it said:

"Y/N, you mean so much to me.
I hope you'll like what I'm about to do...


'about to do? ' 

And on cue all the lights were completely turned on.
Suddenly the tune of Everytime (dots ost) started playing and Yeonjun with another bouquet of roses wearing a black suit that made him look more perfect than he already did came out of the stage of the gym followed by Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun and Huening Kai.

Yeonjun started singing to the song and walked towards me as the other four remained  in front of the stage a bit close to where I was standing.

As Yeonjun started to get closer to me I can feel my heart beat so fast I was breathing a bit heavily and my cheeks  felt hot. I smiled and giggled at him as he made facial expressions while he was singing. He was finally where I was standing and he stopped sing but the tune was still playing in the background I looked at him and it felt like the world stopped for a moment just for us.

He looked at me in my eyes and handed me the bouquet of roses with a big smile on his face "Why thank you my kind prince" I said "It is not a problem my dear princess" he replied and we both giggled. He moved closer to me and pecked my cheek. He signaled me to put the bouquet down on the table and I did. He then took my hands and looked at my eyes again his smile not fading from his face but instead seemed to get wider.

"Kim Y/N my ever so beautiful girlfriend and queen of my heart, will you make your prince the happiest student on this very school campus and be my prom date?"
'he's asking me to PROM!!!'
Before I could answer I was interrupted by the our four friends in the back chanting
" Say yes! Say yes! Cause he needs to know" in the tune of the song " rude"
I giggled at the act.

" Yes! Of course I will! I would be insane to say no!" I yelled as he opened his arms wide and I jumped on him. He spun me around and suddenly people started entering the gymnasium. I was confused at first but then I recognized the faces of our classmates.

" What did she say?!"
" Did she say yes?!"
They yelled. I was still confused as to why they were there so I just laughed.

"She said yes!!" Yeonjun yelled and everyone cheered. Then someone yelled "Release the love!"
Then suddenly rose petals started falling from the ceiling of the gym. I looked up and saw Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun and Huening Kai running around the second floor pouring rose petals from big bags unto the first floor and making soem of it land on our heads.

"So-" Yeonjun started speaking as he moved my head to face him with his index finger "how was that for a promposal?" I giggled and smirked "it was wonderful Yeonjun! I loved it! And I love you!"

(*btw they already had their first kiss and said their first " I love you's")

He chuckled and pulled me in for a short and soft but full of love kiss. "I love you too my princess" he said as he hugged me.

We pulled out of the hug " Junnie?" I called him while rubbing my thumb on his soft hand " Yes princess?"

" Promise me that we'll always be happy like this? Or just at least happy together"

" I promise"

'But happiness doesn't last forever...'

'At least not for us'

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now