Bachelorette party pt. 2

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It's been about 20 minutes since I found out that this night was probably going to be the worst night of my life.

"Y/N!!!" I turned around to see Beomgyu and the other guys coming over to me.

"Heyyyyy" I said walking to them. "Damn Y/N you clean up well" Soobin complimented me with a wink. We all laughed at him and he was embarrassed.

"Let's get a drink" Taehyun said and we all agreed. 

"So Y/N," I looked over to Soobin who cleared his throat  "Yeonjun's here. Are you going to be ok?" 

"Yeah. I'll be fine" my throat tightened at my response but I just shrugged it off.

As me and the guys were deeply into our conversation and enjoying our drinks, I felt a pair of eyes staring at my soul.

I turned around and I saw Yeonjun. He was staring at me and I stared back. We stared for a few seconds and I broke contact and gave him a small smile then I turned back to the guys.

"Hey guys! Our private floor is open already let's go!" Areum said and we followed her up a flight of stairs.

It wasn't too big but it fit all 15 people. There was a bar, a karaoke machine, and huge couch in the middle of the floor.

"Ok let's get this party started!" Areum yelled and her and her friends cheered--and by cheered, I mean screamed. 

I walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. "A long Island Iced Tea please" I told the bartender and he nodded. "And what about you sir?"

 "I'll have the same" I was confused for a moment since I didn't know that anyone was next to me. I turned my head expecting to see Yeonjun but it was someone else. Not that I was disappointed though. He looked tall, very handsome and he looked familiar to me. he wore a black silk dress shirt and black pants to match.

"Do I know you?" I asked shifting my body towards the guy. "Yeah it's me Heeseung! Lee Heeseung" he said smiling. 'Lee Heeseung?'  then it hit me.

"Ah it's you! Yeonjun's cousin!" I smiled at him and he nodded. "Wow it's been a while! You look great!" (more than great actually-- he looked like a whole meal🤤)

He chuckled "Thanks. You too! You look more beautiful than the last time I saw you"

 "Aww thanks" I said blushing and playfully punching his arm.

"So how have you been? I heard about you and Yeonjun, I'm sorry, you two were great together"  him mentioning Yeonjun made my mood a little gloomy but I mustered a smile.

The bartender arrived with our drinks and placed it in front of us. We bowed as a sign of thanks and he left us to each other's company.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for the condolences?" I joked sipping my drink and he chuckled. "Thanks anyway and it's fine. I guess we were really not meant for each other." I guess Heeseung caught up on my tone "Ok this is just between us" he said as he scooted a little closer to me and I did the same as he moved closer to my ear.

 I took another sip of my drink and he whispered "I prefer you over that bratty girl for Yeonjun hyung" I chocked on my drink and I almost spit it out. I coughed  a lot to the point Heeseung was gently patting my back.

"Y/N?! Are you ok?" he asked panicked. I burst into laughter like a maniac and he looked at me dumbfounded. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. And yes I'm fine I just got surprised" and he just chuckled.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" me and Heeseung both turned our heads until we were facing Yeonjun. He cupped my face and asked "Are you ok? Did you choke? Do you want some water?" I was struck by his voice and I was frozen. I didn't get to see him properly earlier, but now that I was seeing him up close in a somewhat proper lighting, I was awestruck. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned revealing a small part of his toned chest with black pants. He looked perfect. 

"Y/N? Are you ok?" I snapped back to reality when I heard Heeseung voice. I realized that Yeonjun's hand was still cupping my face and he was staring at me intently. I removed his hand from my face and I faced the bar. "I'm fine" I said trying to not sound harsh.

"Junnie!" Areum yelled. I didn't bother turning around because I know that I'll just get upset. 

"Oh hey I remember you, you're Heeseung--Junnie's cousin right?" in the corner of my eye I saw Areum put out her hand to shake Heeseung's, but he pretended to  not see her hand "Yes. I'am." then he turned around and rolled his eyes. I chuckled 'I guess he really doesn't like her'

"Hey Y/N let's dance!" Areum said tugging my arm. "Areum I don't really feel like dancing." "Oh come on! Pleaseee I'll buy you a drink" "Fine. Just let me get a few drinks in my system" I said ordering 3 vodka shots.

I finished my drink from earlier then I gulped each vodka shot one after the other and they just looked at me awestruck with their mouths open wide.

"Whoa. How are you not drunk yet?" Heeseung asked "High alcohol tolerance I guess?" 

"Ok bye" I said as I dragged Areum down the stairs to the dance floor followed by her friends leaving the boys. And no, the alcohol didn't kick in yet. The alcohol was just to get me in the mood for dancing but I wasn't tipsy or drunk yet.

We reached the dance floor and it was crowded. Really crowded. All you would see is a bunch of sober, not so sober and drunk people dancing like crazy. The others were grinding on their dance partners, the others were dancing like crazy people, and so on.

We squeezed ourselves through the crowd 'til we found some space by the corner where we could move in. We started dancing for a few minutes then one of Areum's friends Yeji I think was her name--brought some soju bottles. 

"To Areum and Yeonjun! May your marriage be the happiest of them all!" she yelled and everyone raised their bottles and cheered. I really didn't want to do it, but I did. I chugged it down to the last drop and I ran to the big crowd of sweaty people dancing.

I started moving my body to the beat. I swayed my hips and danced to the beat drinking another martini as I teased the group guys eyeing me down, somewhat unconsciously flirting with them from afar.

"Hey Y/N come upstairs!" I heard Areum yell. I walked up the stair case sending the group of guys a wink before I completely disappeared from their sight.

 I plopped myself on the couch as I was a bit tipsy already.  "Oh my God Y/N! How much did you drink?!" Beomgyu asked pinching his nose. I raised my brow "What?" I asked.

 "You smell like different kinds of alcohol mixed together" Kai replied. My mouth formed an 'O' shape and I nodded my head. "What did you drink anyway?" Taehyun asked.

"I think I drank 6 vodka shots, 1 Long Island Iced Tea, and 2 Martinis" "Wow that's a lot. You look tipsy" I turned my head to face Heeseung who was behind me. I gave him a small smile and did this gesture 👌 and he chuckled setting himself beside me but maintaining the appropriate amount of distance. 

"No wonder" Beomgyu mumbled and I shot him a glare.

"Ok guys why don't we play a bunch of games?" Areum said with her arm wrapped around Yeonjun's as they sat down. "Yes! What game?" one of her friends asked. I didn't bother to learn any of their names anymore since there were to many of them.

\\To be continued...\\

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