Nothing will happen

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Choi Yeonjun

Just hearing that name would make my heart skip a beat and make me feel butterflies all over.

But now, all I feel is grief, misery, torment, regret. I feel broken.

My heart was broken into a million pieces and is scattered across the vast darkness never coming back to become whole again.

After all the years we spent together, the anniversaries, the hugs and kisses, all the smiles, all the "I love you's" and not once did he truly love me.


'Why didn't you just reject me and save me from all the pain that I was feeling now?'

'Why did you have to feel sorry for me?'

1st year of college

My relationship with Yeonjun became stronger throughout the years. We also became insanely closer.

But now that we started college we started to spend less time with each other. We still have time to hangout with each other and out with our other friends but it was different now since college was whole new level. We were all in the same department. Visual Arts. Yeonjun along with our other friends are taking up Performing Arts while I was studying Modern Arts History.

I wanted to work in an art gallery all my life so I'm working extra hard so I'll be prepared for when I get my bachelor's. Yeonjun is very passionate in dance and singing like I am in art so we both make sure to support each other whole heartedly. 

I walked to Yeonjun's dorm room and before I could even knock I heard laughter. It was Yeonjun and a girl's laugh. Hearing the unfamiliar person's laugh panic rushed all over my body and I immediately knocked on the door. After a few seconds Beomgyu greeted me and welcomed me inside I immediately rushed inside and saw Soobin, Taehyun, Kai and Yeonjun on the couch and an unfamiliar girl sitting on the chair that I always sit on. 'that was my chair' weird right? Getting jealous because of a chair. Why would I feel that way? Oh it's nothing it's just every time another person goes over to their dorm they wouldn't let anyone sit on that chair and they would say that only I can sit there since it was my "throne". Not even Yeonjun or the boys sit there. And there is some stranger sitting on my chair.

But forgetting about the chair, I diverted my gaze to Yeonjun who was walking towards me with a smile and hugged me. "Hey babe" he greeted me and pecked my cheek "Hey baby. Who's the girl sitting on my chair?" I asked trying not to seem irritated.

 I looked at her and she sat there with a good posture, a white dress, long light brown hair and was smiling at me. "Oh right. Babe, this is Shin Areum. She's in Performing Arts with us" "Oh hi" I said giving her a small but fake smile. I don't like people I'm not familiar with. 

"Hi! You must be Kim Y/N! It's so nice to meet you!" she said with a high pitched voice and I tried my best to not cringe. "Nice to meet you too" I said back at her. "Baby I'll just get some water ok?" I told Yeonjun and he nodded at me. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and I leaned my back on the counter.

 I looked at them and only Yeonjun and Areum were laughing and the other's had an awkward smile on their faces. Suddenly Taehyun stood up and walked towards me cringing at what he just witnessed. 

"What's up Tae?" I asked him "Hey Y/N I'm sorry for letting her sit on your chair but Yeonjun insisted that she sit there. We insisted that she just sit on the couch. But he said that you wouldn't mind" he said leaning his back on the counter next to me. 'Yeonjun told her to sit there? But he's the one that gets angry when someone else sits there. He's not going to replace me is he?' I thought

"You ok?" Taehyun asked. "Yup I'm fine." I replied "So you don't like her too huh?" I immediately snapped my head towards him "What do you mean? I like her. It's just weird seeing another girl laughing with Yeonjun." I said trying to defend myself and Taehyun just chuckled. I looked at him and cocked my brow upwards "It's ok if you don't like her. The four of us don't like her too." he said. I admit I was surprised. But then again she seemed like a 'pick me girl' and they all hated those kinds of girls. But I guess this girl seemed to be an exception since Yeonjun seemed to be all giggly and happy with her presence.

She was laughing and so was Yeonjun, and she suddenly reached her hand out to rub Yeonjun's arm because of how hard she was laughing but Yeonjun didn't seem to take notice. My blood boiled.



I thought as I walked over them my blood boiling. But as I was about to reach them Beomgyu pulled her arm way from Yeonjun. More liked yanked it. The three of them glared at the two until Huening Kai spoke up "He has a girlfriend and she is ready to throw hands if you touch her man agian" I almost burst into laughter because of his words. I looked at the Areum girl and smirked at her and she looked at me with a confused face. 

Yeonjun who stopped laughing and noticed the aura of the room was different compared to earlier and furrowed his eyebrows "What's wrong?" he asked. Soobin was about to say something but I cut him off because I knew that he was gonna swear at the girl and probably make her cry . 

Although I would love to see that, "It's nothing babe" I assured as I walked over to him and sat on his lap. I pecked his cheek and neck then I smiled at him innocently. I glanced at Areum and she seemed to be slightly irritated. Taehyun walked over to the couch and sat down "Her property" he said smirking at her emphasizing on the word "her". I just giggled.

It was already time for her to go back to her dorm and Yeonjun insisted on walking her there since it was night and it was dangerous for a girl to walk home alone. I understood his intention but something made me feel uneasy.

"Don't worry Y/N" Soobin said patting my back "Nothing will happen between them" I nodded and gave him a small smile. His words reassured me and put me to ease a little.

'If only I knew that that was when it began'

'If only I stopped him'

'If only I saw the signs, then maybe I wouldn't feel this much pain now'

But that's the only thing I have now...

"If only"

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