I hate you but I love you

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2nd Year of College

I bought an apartment close to our University and lived here for a few months already.

Yeonjun moved out of his dorm and moved in with me. We lived together for a few months. But recently, Yeonjun seemed to get more and more distant. Whenever I asked any of our friends about where he was they would say that Yeonjun said that he was with me. Sometimes when my classes ended early I would go to his building and wait for him. As I wait I would see him and Areum together laughing and smiling a lot. Suddenly I thought 'when was the last time Yeonjun smiled at me this week or last week?' as I try to recall I get upset because I don't remember seeing him smiling at me for the past week.

The more time passes Yeonjun completely shuts himself from me. His responses became shorter and more dry. Whenever I look for him he's no where in sight, he barely smiles at me compared to before, whenever I text him he wouldn't reply for a few hours and when he finally did reply it would be dry, I would spot him with that Areum girl more and more always laughing and smiling at each other. 

I started feeling empty and I started crying myself to sleep. Sometimes I wouldn't sleep because I was waiting for Yeonjun who would almost always come back home late at night. Sometimes he would even sleep at the couch.

'Did I do something wrong?' 

'Did I upset him?'

Those questions and more like it would run through my mind  making me more anxious than ever.

'Could he be cheating on me?'

'Was he with that Areum again?'

'No. He wouldn't do that'

'He's Yeonjun. He would never hurt me that way.'

'He's probably just busy with his school works'

'He said he loves me. And I should trust him'

Those thoughts clouded my mind and during my entire class I couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying.

My classes finally ended and I was driving towards my favorite café to get me and Yeonjun some boba. I reach the front of the store and I step out of my car. I look at the café and my eyes couldn't believe what I just saw.

It was Yeonjun and Areum.

With their lips locked on each other's and their hands were intertwined.

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