The End

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\\helloo i'm back. i'm so sorry for being away for so long... And HAPPY NEW YEAR!\\



Yeonjun looked at her with the most loving and adoring look in his eyes. He adored the beautiful smile full of happiness on her face. The way her hair flew in the wind was something so alluring to him. Her fresh scent of vanilla filled the air sending Yeonjun to a moment of bliss. He was happy. Just seeing her happy and smiling again made him so happy.

And then he awoke. Realizing that what he had just witnessed was just and but a mere dream. He was saddened by the fact that his love was not there, right by his side. He miserably got up from his bed, knowing that this was the last time he would be able to see the queen of his heart in person. 

skip :)

Yeonjun adjusted his tie and suit. He parked in the parking area of the cemetery and covered his face with his hands. He took a shaky breathe as he tried to calm himself down. 'Calm down. It will be alright' he thought.

He picked up his fallen pieces and composed himself. He got out of his car. Just as he was about to walk away, he remembered the little thing he brought and hurriedly unlocked his car.

He reached for a small box on the passenger seat. As he looked at the box in his hands, he couldn't help but smile softly. He held the small box in his hands, securing them well.

Standing under the tree were his friends. But even the perfectly balanced sunny sky and windy weather didn't hide the grief-stricken expressions on their faces. The good thing was that they looked better than before. Yeonjun approached his friends

"You look horrible" Beomgyu said lowly at his hyung. Yeonjun managed a small smile.

Taehyun looked over at Yeonjun's hand. "What's in your hand?" he asked. Yeonjun looked at the box in his hand and slightly smiled. "I guess you could call it a regret" he replied,  he walked passed his friends and head toward the memorial grounds.

The four looked at each other questioningly then followed their hyung from behind. 

As they walked, Yeonjun noticed a silhouette of a person that he wished he didn't have to see today. 'Areum'

Yeonjun did his best to go unnoticed but once the girl spotted him, she walked confidently with her head held high and a proud and ignorant look on her face. "Yeonjun!" she called him  bittersweetly. Yeonjun sighed but continued to walk away to the memorial grounds.

The four who were able to catch up with their friend just in time to see Areum calling for him. Anger built up inside them. "Yah Shin Areum! What do you think you're doing here?" Kai asked angrily and pulled her back harshly from her shoulder.

The girl looked surprised and so did the other three. Kai was angry. Which did not happen a lot. "Did you not hear me? I asked why the fuck you're here?" he half yelled. Areum simply smirked and scoffed. Things will finally be in her favor anyways, so why bother acting nice? "Why? What's it to you?" she spat. She turned her back on them and walked away, following the path Yeonju took.

"I swear, if she makes a scene, I will kill her! That shameless bitch!" he said frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair. "She was the reason we are here in the first place! She's the reason why Y/N suffered and she has the nerve to show her disgusting face here. I swear I'm gonna--"

He was cut off when Soobin placed his hand on the younger's shoulder who's eyes were getting teary and shook his head. Kai fell silent and hung his head low. "Sorry..." he mumbled. Beomgyu patted Kai's back and led the way to where the funeral will be held.

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