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I walked to the spot in the park that was once called "our spot". Past tense.

Well it was like that for me. Everything related to us was past tense.

I saw him standing and leaning on the tree. It was what he used to do when he waited for me when we were going to have a date.

My heart skipped a beat. Beats actually. 


I took a deep breathe and I walked to him.

"Hey" he looked at me and stood up straight with a big smile plastered on his face "Hey!" he said engulfing him in his warm and cozy hugs. I hesitated at first but I slowly hugged him back. Actually I don't think it was a hug since my finger tips were the only things touching his back. *Idk if that makes sense.*

We pulled out from the hug "So why did you want to meet me again?" I asked leaning on the tree the same way he did earlier. He smiled at me again 'That smile will be the death of me I swear'

"Wait there" he told me and he picked something up from behind the tree. I straightened my position as he reached for something.

"Here" he said handing me a bouquet of flowers.

'Wait. Flowers?'

"What are you doing?" I asked him confused with the flowers still in his possession. He took my hand and placed the flowers in my hand. I looked at the flowers in my hands. 

Roses. My favorite.

'He remembers?'

I looked up at him with a confused look on my face. "What's this?" I asked him.

He chuckled "They're your favorite right?" I nodded "But why are you giving them to me?" I asked emphasizing on "me". He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know actually. I just had the sudden urge to buy them for you" he said looking at the ground with his brows furrowed.

I softened just by looking at him. I sighed "Thank you. They're beautiful" he looked back at me and smiled at me. 'Shit'

"Really? You really like them?" he said excitedly like a little puppy. I chuckled at him "Yes. I do"

His once smiley face turned to a serious one. And he moved closer to me. I slowly backed up to the tree until my back touched it's rough textured surface.

"Wh-what are you d-doing?" I mentally beat myself up for stuttering. He looked at me intently. I wanted to get out of that position but he pinned me to the wall. He was gently holding me on my shoulders slightly pushing me to the tree keeping me in place.

"Yeonjun what are you doing?! Let me go!" I said slightly yelling. "Sorry" he said slightly letting go of his grip on me but his hands still intact with my shoulders.

I looked to another direction avoiding his gaze.

I know that I should have feed myself from his grip on me and just move on with my day, but I couldn't move. I was frozen and stuck in my position because of his touch.

The next thing I know Yeonjun was lightly holding my chin and gently moved my head towards him meeting his gaze. I looked down at the floor but he moved his face closer to mine making it difficult for me to even breathe.

"Look at me" he said but I hesitated "Please look at me Y/N" he said and I looked at him in the eyes.

Those eyes. I fell in love with those eyes the first time I met him.

He moved his face closer to mine and my breathe hitched. Now my breathing was unstable. 

"What are you doing?" I said, the words barely making it out. He didn't say anything but he just looked at me. 

I was completely frozen. I didn't know what to do. My mind yelled at me telling me to run and never see him again, but my heart screamed for him.

Our faces were now just centimeters apart and my heart was beating faster than a car speeding. 

"Yeonjun.." I whispered.

His hand was still holding unto my chin and he lightly pulled my face towards him. My lips connected to his.

'What the fuck?!!!' my eyes widened as our lips touched. 

I pulled away immediately "What the hell Yeonjun?!" I yelled. I didn't worry if anyone heard me since the park was basically empty.

I looked at his face to see if there was any sign of guilt on his face but I saw nothing. His face was practically blank.

"Please Y/N. Just kiss me this once" I was baffled by his question. 'What the actual fuck?!'

"What the hell are you talking about Yeonjun?! You are going to get fucking married!" I yelled at him. 

"Y/N just this once. I promise I will never do this again. It's just one last kiss for closure." he reasoned. But this was wrong. Really wrong.

But my heart betrayed me. "Fine" I told him and I grabbed him by the collar.

 I hesitated at first 'I don't know what I'm doing anymore' and I pulled him by the collar and kissed him. Our kiss was soft but passionate, relaxing but hot. Our lips moved in sync enjoying the feeling of our lips connected with one another.

I missed this. 

His soft plump lips. 

The way he would grip my waist or back whenever we kissed. 

His warm breathe. 

I missed the way our mouths would move in sync as if it were only made for each other.

I missed the way our hands would intertwine with each other and fit perfectly as if it were only for each other.

I used to feel like everything about us were meant for each other. But fate proved me wrong.

'This is enough Y/N. He's getting married. Let him go'

I pulled out from this kiss "This will never happen again Yeonjun. We will never speak of this. This was just for your closure. I hope your satisfied with your results" I told him with a tear escaping my eye.

I looked at him one more time then I ran. I ran to my car and I started to drive away.

As I drove away, tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes and only the sound of my sobbing could be heard.

As I drove a wave of regret and guilt washed over me.

'Why did I do that?'

'What I did was wrong'

'Stupid Y/N! How can you be so stupid'

I drove back to my apartment building because I don't think I can focus on work after what I just did.

I finally arrived and I ran to my room. Thank God the boys are still in work because I was a mess.

A big one in fact.

I shut my door and I slid my back on it landing my bottom on the ground. I hugged my knees and sobbed. I cried loudly letting it all out. 

All the anguish, regret, guilt, anger, sadness, yearning...

I let it all out with my tears and screams.

'Why the hell did I do that?!'

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now