Wedding dress

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I hate this...

I really hate this...

Why meeeee?!

Yeonjun and Areum asked me to help them both on their wedding preparations. Why didn't I say no? Oh I did. Numerous times in fact. But because Yeonjun wouldn't leave me alone, and he would visit my apartment or at the museum at random times trying to convince me to help them out.

 So to stop these random visits, I had no choice but to agree and help them out on their special day.

Their special day.

These past few days I had more trouble falling asleep, my eating habits changed again and I was eating less. 

"Ok what about this one?" Areum asked holding a beautiful white dress. "It's beautiful" I said. It truly was. Areum dragged me out to help her start her wedding dress shopping. And so far not so good. Every time she held a dress and showed it to me my heart would ache. And as the time passed, the heartache started to worsen and it started to become to unbearable. 

"Hey Areum, why don't we just continue this another time? Give yourself time to think it over" I told Areum as she was staring at two dresses.

"Hmm. Y/N can you come over here?" I stood up hesitantly and walked over to her. "Here wear this" she said handing me a dress. "What? No way. I'm not the one with the wedding." I told her as I lightly pushed her hand away. "Oh come on! Pleaseee it will help me make a decision faster" She said handing me the dress again. "Areum I'm not really sure how trying out a dress will help you make a decision" I told her but she started to do aegyo. I mentally cringed at her. 'Oh my God gross'

"Fine" I sighed in defeat and took the dress. I walked to the dressing room and put the dress on. 

*what it looks like*

(This picture doesn't belong to me btw)

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(This picture doesn't belong to me btw)

I looked at myself in the mirror and 'wow' 

"Oh my God" I whispered under my breathe. 

"Y/N? Are you done?" "Uh yeah" I walked out of the dressing room and I saw Areum and the sale's lady with their mouth hung open. "Does it look ok?" I asked. "Are you kidding?! You look perfect!" she exclaimed.

Areum also tried out a dress and she looked amazing. Out of no where we heard a voice 

"Areum? Where are you?" it was Yeonjun. 'Shit'. And  in a split second he was right in front of us with his arms wide open.

"Junnie! I'm here!" Areum yelled as she ran into Yeonjun's arms.

'I wanna get out of here'

"Baby why are you here?" Areum questioned Yeonjun "Well does wanting to see my gorgeous future wife count as a reason?" Areum giggled at his response.

Just seeing the couple being all lovey dovey made my broken heart break more.

"Junnie look at Y/N! I made her try a dress. Doesn't she look beautiful?"

Yeonjun's attention diverted to me and he fell silent, his mouth went agape and he was staring at me.

Yeonjun POV

"Junnie look at Y/N! I made her try a dress. Doesn't she look beautiful?" 

'Y/N's here?' I turned to her. 'wow'

She looks so ethereal. Beautiful. More than beautiful actually. I swear I think I could hear my heart beat faster the more I looked at her.

"Uh Junie? Hello? Are you ok? Why are you staring?" I snapped back to reality and I realized that I was staring at Y/N.

"Uh sorry" I said and I turned to Areum and smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I should get changed." Y/N said and she started walking to the dressing room. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted see her in that dress longer. 

"Why?" I unexpectedly blurted out. She turned to me and gave me a small smile "I have a meeting to attend to." and I nodded


'I can't this take this anymore'

This hurts so much. It's too much for me to take. 

I wanted to leave so I spoke up "I should get changed." and I walked to the dressing room.

"Why?" Yeonjun asked. For some reason the way he spoke wanted to make me stay. But I couldn't. I shouldn't.

"I have a meeting to attend to." I lied and he nodded. I walked into the dressing room clutching my chest. I looked up to the ceiling trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. 

My heart is aching so much. The way he looked at me earlier just made it ache more. It made me long for him more. 

But I know that I couldn't have him.

'I had my chance already and it's over.'

'His heart belongs to someone else.'

'Not me.'

 'It will never be me.'

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now