Yes baby?

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"Hey guys! What's up?" my once cheerful-ish mood faded away. We all turned around and saw Yeonjun and Areum. Smiling and looking like the perfect couple that they are.

It's been about a year since that day. I was still hung up and madly in love with Yeonjun while he was madly in love with her.

'They look happy together.'

'He looks happy with her.'

I agreed to being friends with Yeonjun since he wouldn't stop bothering me about it. I also managed to convince the guys to at least be nicer to Yeonjun. They were still mad at what Yeonjun did. I was too but I understood that the only reason why Yeonjun entered a relationship with me was so that our friendship wouldn't fall apart. That's how much it meant to him. But I just wished that he rejected me before so that maybe I wouldn't feel like this right now. Oh and how do I feel? Simple:

miserable, sad, mad, broken, forgotten, like garbage, guilty, basically every word that's a synonym to horrible. 

I feel guilty because now I know that Yeonjun wasted years of his life to a relationship with me. Which I knew that deep inside of him, it was something he never wanted to do.

Before, when they would ask me what my wish was I would always say "I wish me and Yeonjun would be friends forever not matter the circumstances" but now I wish that I never fell for him.

But for sure he didn't regret what he did. Because what he did led him to meet his dream girl. From the beginning every decision we made led us here. Where to go to college, course etc. etc.

But that's fine. As long as he's happy.

"Y/N? Y/N you ok?" I didn't realize that I spaced out. Now I was facing Kai who looked worried. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I just blanked out" he nodded.

Time skip to lunchhh

I was starving. Usually these days I don't get hungry. But I just finished listening to one of the longest and most boring lectures of all time.

"Guyss I'm hungryy" I said when they walked out of their building. They all laughed smiled at me and I smiled back. 

"Aw me too!" hearing that voice our smiles faded. Her voice. We all lazily turned around to see her and Yeonjun with his arm around her shoulders. I drank some of my water and gulped some down my throat hopefully making my urge to just yank Yeonjun's arm off of her and slap her for stealing him from me. But then again, he wasn't really mine to begin with.

"So, where are we going to eat?" Beomgyu asked

"What about McDonald's?!" I said excitedly

"What about café (insert some fancy café)" she said in her high pitched voice

We both spoke at the same time making me more irritated. There was an awkward silence and I hated it. "I gotta go" I said breaking the silence. "What? Why?" Yeonjun asked "I'm busy" I replied "But didn't you say you were hungry?" "I have a lot of requirements so yeah.." I lied and I turned around and started to walk away. 

"We'll go with Y/N. We also need her help with some stuff" I heard Taehyun say. "We can still join you with whatever you guys are gonna do" Areum said. I froze in my tracks and turned around I wasn't really far from them so I could still hear them. Everyone was silent until Beomgyu spoke up "Actually we would prefer it if it was only the five of us. You guys can go on a date or whatever you guys do" he spat. 'He was kind of harsh'. 

They walked towards me smiling. I gave them a small smile "Come on Y/N! Let's get you that McDonald's you wanted!" Kai said jumping excitedly as we walked away from the couple.

"You know you didn't have to be so harsh" I told Beomgyu and he just rolled his eyes "Whatever. They don't deserve my good graces" I turned around and looked at the couple whose faces were still visible. Areum was furrowing her eyebrows and pouting 'yuck' and Yeonjun was furrowing his brows in confusion. I must admit, I was slightly amused with their reaction.

Yeonjun's POV

'huh that was rude' I thought

"Yeonjun?" "Yes baby?"

'Baby. Y/N always blushed when I called her that' I mentally slapped myself for thinking that 'Why are you thinking that? You're just friend now and you have a girlfriend. Focus on her Yeonjun'

"Do you think Y/N and the other guys hate me?" I was taken back by her question. Sure I noticed that they weren't really fond of her but they don't actually hate her right?

"No. Of course not baby. Why would you think that?" I asked her and I saw her eyes started to get teary. "Baby? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked as I wiped the tears on her cheeks with my thumb. "It's just every time their with Y/N they're all happy and smiling but when I approach them their smiles fade and they act cold to me" she said sniffling.

"Oh baby. They don't hate you. It's just they're more comfortable around Y/N because they've known her longer. And you remember what I told you last year. They're really sensitive and they keep to themselves when it comes to people that they don't entirely trust. I promise that I will talk to them about this. Ok?" she nodded and I hugged her.

When I hugged her I felt different. I would feel happy. I would feel the same way with Y/N but her embrace was different. More warm and cozy and it was full of love.

'Stop Yeonjun. She's your friend. You have a girlfriend. Don't do the same thing you did to Y/N to Areum'

'Am I happy with the choices I made?'

'Was it the right choice?'

\\Yay we got a Yeonjun POV!\\

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