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\\hi guysss so this chapter will also contain yeonjun's pov form the prev. chapter\\

\\u can skip this since it's just basically like a recap and it just shows his thoughts etc. etc. but i recommend readingitsouwontbeconfusedinsomeofthefuturechptersheeheh\\


I opened my eyes and my vision was kinda hazy and my head hurt.

I sat up groggily and I looked around my surroundings. I was in my room 'Thank God'

I looked to my side and I saw Areum sleeping and snoring softly. I pecked her forehead lightly in hopes to avoid her waking up. I took a quick shower and I started to cook breakfast. My head still hurt so I had a difficult time moving around.

I finally finished cooking and I sat down for a moment to drink some water. As I sat down, I stared at my hand. Suddenly, visions of what happened last night flashed in my mind.


I was drunk and for some reason I felt some sort feeling to go to the roof. And so I did. I sat down on one of the benched and leaned my head on the wall letting the wind make my hair fly to every direction. I sat there for a moment until I heard the door of the room open.

A tall feminine figure walked out of the entrance back to the building and walked towards the railings. It took me a while to see who it was because of the dim lights. But as the woman shuffled on her position a little, I got a glance of her face. It was Y/N.

"Y/N?" my voice for some reason seemed to get deeper. 

"Who are you?" she asked. Yup, it was definitely her. The soft melodic voice gave it away. She turned her body around and now her back was facing the wall. "It's me" I said.

"Uh whatever. I'll get going now byeee" she said walking in a messy way. I think she's drunk? I didn't know anymore since I was drunk myself.

 She was holding the door knob and for reason, my body reacted as if it wasn't me controlling it anymore. I grabbed her gently and pinned her to the wall.

"It's me princess. Yeonjun" I said holding her in her place. Chuckling,  "Ahh it's you" she said. 

'She's so beautiful'

"Why are you here? Where's your ever so perfect fiancé?" she asked. I was confused. Why bring her up?

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at the party?" I changed the subject. 

 "I should be asking you the same thing. Isn't this your party? Why aren't you with your fiancé?" I didn't know what to say. She had a point. But I didn't want to be down there. 

She looked so beautiful under the dim lighting and the alcohol inside me started taking over. I moved my face closer to hers "Because I want to be with you" I said. And I meant it. 

Ever since I saw her in the bar wearing that black dress of hers, I found myself staring at her every possible time I can. And when she was in the bar with Heeseung, I felt jealous?

She tried to free herself from my grip, but my mind told me to not let her go again.

Wait, again?

"Yeonjun" she whispered "Don't"

 "Don't what?" I asked her. Telling from her body language, she was nervous. And it amuses me. I moved even closer to her face making the tips of our noses touch. "You know what I'm talking about Yeonjun. Don't play dumb because you're not exactly an expert in that area." I just chuckled at he words.

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