Meet me at the park

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1 Month 'till the Wedding...

'Ughh help me!'

'I feel miserable'

There's only one month more 'till the wedding.

Sometimes I wish that they would get married on the spot so my heart would be spared from more heartache.

I'm tired. Almost every single day Yeonjun calls me to give him advice for the wedding or to just talk and catch up. But every single time he calls, every time I see his caller ID on the screen of my phone, I get pushed to the verge of tears.

I'm tired of all the crying. My eyes are tired from all the crying.

My heart is tired of all the heart ache. Of all the yearning for someone I know will never love me the way I love him. 

But I guess that's life.


My phone was buzzing on my office desk. I picked it up and I saw the caller ID


Decline                                                                                                                                                                     Accept

I sighed and picked it up.

"Hello?" "Hey Y/N! Can you meet me at the park?" I sighed again "Yeonjun I have work. A life. Can we please meet some other time?"

"Aw but Y/N please? Just this once?" he sad making his voice slightly sound like a baby. I sighed once more "Fine. But this is the last time you call me to meet you during my work ok?" "Deal! Meet me at *** park. You know our spot." I rolled my eyes and hung up.

'Why would he want to meet me at that park?'

'Why would he want to bring me there again?'

He wanted to meet me at the same park that we used to go to for our so called "dates". It was also the place I apparently cried for four hours when I got his wedding invitations.

I stood up and walked out of my office. "I'll be out for a while" I told my co worker and he nodded.

Time skippppppppp

I arrived at the finally arrive and I parked my car. For some reason I felt uneasy. It was almost the same way I felt on that day.

'I hope nothing bad happens'

\\This is a short chapter but heh (¬_¬")(ง •_•)ง¯\_(ツ)_/¯\\

\\hehe.. wut i like these emojis ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)\\


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