Letter part 1

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 I woke up from the warmth and brightness  of the sunlight that poured in the room, filling every inch of the room with sunlight.

I shifted in my position as I rubbed my eyes. I felt Yeonjun's strong and toned arms wrapped around my bare abdomen. I sighed and closed my eyes tightly. I opened them again and gently removed Yeonjun's arms from my body, carefully enough to not wake him. I stood up from the bed and thankfully, we got dressed before we fell asleep. I was only wearing a sports bra that I left here once, and Yeonjun's clean boxers.

I picked up some of my clothes that were scattered on the ground. Despite the pain that my entire body was feeling, I was able to dash out of his room quietly. As I walked out to his living room, I grabbed my blouse that was lying on the corner. I grabbed my bag and just as I was about to leave, I remembered the letter I was supposed to leave him.

I put my hand inside my bag and fished for the letter. I finally got it and I sighed as I looked at it. 

I walked inside Yeonjun's room and sat on his side of the bed. I brushed away the hair that was covering his eyes. I admired his features for a while. Taking it all in. If this was the last time I would see him, I would want to remember every detail.

Like his beautiful pink cherry flavored plum lips, his soft skin, his eyes, his cute little nose, his cheek bones, his perfectly sculpted face and body.

'I'm sorry for leaving you like this my prince'

I held his hand and gave it a small kiss. I stood up from his bed and placed the letter on his side table. 

'I love you Choi Yeonjun'

I leaned closer to his face and gave him one, small kiss on his forehead.

'It's you Yeonjun. You are the one that made me feel alive, happy, loved. You were the first person to treat my like a human.'

'You were the first person that truly loved me for who I am'

'You were my first love. And you will be my last'

'I'm sorry that we had to part this way. I really am.'

'I love you. Always have and will. We may not be the one for each other now, but, maybe in the next life, we could love each other whole heartedly, together, forever. Like we promised '

A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away with my sleeve. 

'Goodbye Yeonjun'

I left his apartment filled with sorrow, sadness, regret and anger. 

'One day, '

'One day we will be in each other's arms'

'That day may not be now, or in this life time but I promise, '

'I promise that I will wait for you. I will love you no matter what'

\\short chapter for this part but part 2 will be longer and it will be in Yeonjun's pov\\

\\anyways, i hope you liked it and pls don't forget to vote:)\\

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