I really love you

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"Oh do you guys know the game where the guy has to guess the flavor of the lip balm of the girl as they kiss?" one of the guys spoke up. Everyone nodded. "Then there's our game. But instead of lip balm, we'll use these babies and a few more" he said raising a bottle of tequila and gin on each hand. "Alcohol?" someone asked and the guy nodded.

"Then our first players will be the couple of the night!" everyone cheered and sat on the couch or floor. The couple sat down on the chair in front of the couch with Areum on Yeonjun's lap.

One of them covered Yeonjun's eyes as Areum drank a shot of tequila. "Ok first round!" the guy yelled. Yeonjun smirked as he looked at Areum then suddenly glanced at me for a split second.

I felt a shiver go down my spine when our eyes met for a brief moment.

He leaned forward until their mouths connected. It was going slow at first but then they started making out.

I felt miserable in my position. I wanted to get out of here. I felt my insides churn, I wanted to cry but I held back my tears. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat as I tried to avoid looking at them. But I could still hear them. I wanted to just stand up and storm out of here but I was stuck and the only way out without having to push through a bunch of people was to climb over the couch. But I couldn't do that because I would risk getting my private body parts exposed because of my short dress.

"Y/N are you ok?" Heeseung asked with concern in his eyes. "Yeah I'm fine" "Are you sure? You don't look fine" his voice sounded so comforting it made me want to break down in the spot.

"I'm really fine. I just need to go to the bathroom." I said. I got up and tried to escape the torment that I was experiencing. "Hey Y/N we'll come with you. And no, we're not coming inside with you, we're just going to wait outside" Beomgyu said raising his hands jokingly. "I'm really fine ok? Just wait here, I'll be right back" I said and I got up.

I walked to a private stall and I locked myself inside. The music was blaring so loud, I took it as my chance to bawl my eyes out. My mascara ran down my face with my tears. But at this point, I didn't care anymore. I just wanna get out of here.

I cried for a few more minutes letting it all out, while they were enjoying the comfort of being in each other's arms.

I washed my face with water and I stared at my broken state in the mirror.


"Oh no, my Y/N, why are you crying?" he said as he wiped the tears on my face. "My princess don't cry anymore ok?" he said as he hugged me tightly. We were in the 9th grade that time and I just failed one of my finals.

I continued to sob as I felt horrible because of the grade I got "Shh it's ok Y/N. Look at me" he said as he cupped my face with his hands. "Whatever it is that is making you sad, you can tell me ok? Because I will be here for you and wipe your tears whenever you cry ok?"

"You promise?" I asked sniffling

"I promise. I, Choi Yeonjun, promise that no matter the reason, no matter the situation, I'll be the one to wipe them away" he said smiling at me. And I chuckled at him.

end of flashback

At that moment I felt loved. I though he would be the one to wipe my tears away, but he was the one that caused them. How ironic right?

I cleaned myself up and re applied some of my make up. I mean I don't want them to know that I cried right?

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now