Forever and ever

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My feet hurt as I ran. I was in heels after all.

 I squeezed through the crowd of people, desperate to get out of here.

As I ran, I hear Yeonjun call out for me "Y/N! Wait! Please!" I stumbled and I bumped into Soobin  "Y/N? Where were you?" I accidentally made eye contact with him and he noticed my puffy red eyes "What happened to you?!" I ignored him and I ran out of the club.

I stepped in my car and I started it. I saw Yeonjun burst out of the club and ran towards my car but I already started to drive away. 

As I drove, I got a call from Soobin. I answered "Not now Soobin" I said and before he could say something, I hung up.

Soobin POV

It's already been 10 minutes since Y/N left to go to the bathroom. We were all uncomfortable with the position we were in. Yeonjun and Areum were straight up making out in front of us and we wanted to see none of it. The five of us, including Heeseung, Yeonjun's cousin excused ourselves and went downstairs for a drink.

"Hey where do you think Y/N is?" Kai asked as we sat down by the bar "I don't-" "There! I see her!" I was cut off by Beomgyu and he pointed towards the bar on the opposite side of ours. We all turned our heads and saw Y/N at the end of the bar sitting by herself sipping her drink and rubbing her temples.

"Do you think we should go over there?" Kai asked "Nope. Look at her drink. It's her 'leave me alone' drink" Taehyun said. We all squinted our eyes as we couldn't see her drink clearly because of the dim lighting. "Oh, you're right" Beomgyu said.  

"Leave me alone drink?" Heeseung asked. I remembered how Y/N used to be close with him so I didn't think that it was going to be much of a deal so I told him.

"So the drink that Y/N's drinking right now is a Negroni" he nodded and I continued

 "Even when she and Yeonjun were dating, she would drink that whenever she would want to be alone. We only notice that whenever she started to drink that a lot in the first year of college. She was always on edge and scary whenever we approached her. Then one day we asked why she drank Negroni's a lot and she said that it would calm her nerves down whenever she felt pissed, mad, sad etc. and that she would really appreciate it if we left her alone whenever she drank those. And ever since, whenever she would drink, we would check what she was drinking before we spoke to her"

"So in short, whatever she is drinking tells you what mood she's in?" Heeseung asked chucking "Basically, yeah." Kai said. "Is she really that scary?" he asked "What's the scariest movie you've watched?" Taehyun asked "The Nun why?" "Then imagine that she's the movie, but a thousand times scarier" 

"Yikes" he said as he took a sip of his drink. "But it's cool. She's been through quite a lot to make her drink those" I said and he nodded.

"So do you guys care to tell me what happened between Y/N and Yeonjun?" Heeseung asked. The four of us glanced at each other nervously "I don't think it's our story to tell" I said.

"Ok I'll tell you" Beomgyu volunteered. The three of us remained silent as Beomgyu explained in detail everything he knew about Yeonjun and Y/N's relationship. Heeseung listened intently and he frowned when Beomgyu got to the part when we and Y/N saw Yeonjun and Areum kissing in the café. 

Beomgyu finished and we looked at Heeseung who had a mix of emotions on his face. "Ok that was a lot" he said and we just chuckled.

"She must have been hurt so much" he said. We all nodded in unison "Y/N is very strong. But when they broke up, she was broken. She tried to hide it and she hid it well, but we could still see how hurt and broken she was." Taehyun said.

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