Be mine forever

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I just sat on my bed hugging my knees and bawling me eyes out.

'Why? '

'Why can't I move on from him?!'

'Why did I have to fall so hard that I can't even get him out of my head even if it were just a for second?'

'Why did he have to play with my heart like that?'

'Why did he make me endure all this pain?'


I still have so many why's lined up begging for answers. But I know in my heart that I will never get them.

'Why did you break my heart Choi Yeonjun?'

'Why did you make that choice and toy with me for years?'

8th Grade

It was a sunny afternoon. I was so nervous..

My legs were wobbly and my body was trembling. Today was the day

The day I will confess to him

So many thought came rushing through my mind

'What if he says yes? Do I hug him?'

'If he says yes, does that immediately mean we're a couple?'

I got excited at those two thoughts

'But what if he says no?'

'Do I say "It's a prank!" and laugh it off?'

'Will he reject me and make fun of me?'

My smile faded at those thoughts.

'No. He won't humiliate me. Even if he rejects me he won't make fun of me like people used to do to him. He's different.'

For some reason I suddenly felt hopeful



Hey Y/N! I'm coming up to the roof. I hope u didn't turn into an old woman while waiting for me;)

Y/Nieeeeಥ_ಥヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


gosh i've been waiting for so long i don't think bones are in good shape anymore;)


don't worry old lady Y/N!

ur knight in shining school uniform is coming!(ง •_•)ง

Y/Nieeeeಥ_ಥヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

don't you mean knight in "smelly" school uniform???


I giggled when I saw that he only put me on "seen"

I was feeling relaxed until I remembered he was on his way up to the roof and I started panicking internally. Then out of nowhere the roof's door slammed wide open revealing the one and only Choi Yeonjun and his devilishly handsome grin.

"Yeonjun! You scared me!" I said as I clutched my chest. "I'm sorry milady" he said as  he tried to curtsey.

"So what was so important that you wanted to talk up here?" he asked with a brow arched upwards. Suddenly my face felt like it was in an oven and I was being baked inside.

'How should I say it?' "Well? Spill already!" he said with his eyes wide open with excitement.

'Ok I'll just throw it out there' "Yeonjun?" "Yesss??"

"I like you" I said with my eyes closed. I opened them slowly and looked at him and he looked surprised. 'Oh God he doesn't feel the same!' 

"I was just kidding! It's a prank!! HAHA! You should have seen your face!" I said while trying to fake a smile and a laugh while rubbing my nape. I looked again at Yeonjun and he blinked twice he just stood there forzen and looking at me for about a minute.

"I like you too" he blurted out. My eyes widened at what he said

"W-w-what? Y-y-y-you d-d-do?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering to much. I looked at him hoping that he was telling the truth. I started to think that he was joking but he shyly and slowly nodded.

'Choi Yeonjun likes me?!'

"Then does that mean we're thing?" he asked looking at me. "I-I guess?" I replied. He looked into my eyes and flashed that handsome smile of his.

"Then will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. My eyes widened and I stood there. Frozen. 'Wait what?! Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend?!' I didn't notice how long I just blanked out but I finally snapped back to reality because of Yeonjun snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Y/N?" Y/N? Are you ok?" Y/N!" he said shaking me.

"Yes!" "Yes? Really?!" he looked excited. "Yes! Yes yes yes Choi Yeonjun! Yes!" I said as I jumped on him. Realizing what I just did I got off of him my cheeks flushed with crimson red and my face burning hot. "Sorry" I mumbled under my breathe. "It's fine princess" he said as he engulfed me in an embrace. 'Princess' my heart felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest and I was feeling giddy just hearing that nickname. 

"Y/N?" he called my name still in the same comforting position "Hmm?"

"Will you promise to be mine forever?" he asked me. I smiled and pulled out of the hug

"I promise"

Back to present


I smiled sadly in between my heavy sobbing as I remembered that bittersweet memory.

I kept my promise...

I kept it...

I kept it until the end. But I still ended up hurt and broken into a million pieces.

I guess we just weren't meant for each other...

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now