Unfortunate event

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\\there is some mention of blood so for those uncomfortable with the topic, pls skip the last part\\



It's been a week since Yeonjun found the letter that turned his life upside down. The one true love of his life left him a letter saying that she's leaving him. And apparently, the reason was because they weren't destined for one another. Something like that can change a person. For the entire past week, Yeonjun has been searching for Y/N nonstop. He begged the police to search for her but they refused him and his request as Y/N already notified them that Yeonjun would come looking for her. 

He couldn't contact her as she changed her number as well. He rarely ate and slept. And the same was for their friends. Worry for their friend who they thought of as family has consumed each one of them. 

And seeing Yeonjun's current state, Areum, Yeonjun's supposed to be wife, took the chance to swoop in back to his life and tried to 'comfort' him. Yeonjun did not fall for her tricks though. He pushed her away every time she tried to get close to him. He made it crystal clear to her every time that his heart completely and only belongs to Y/N. As Areum tried to keep her calm, she was not having it.

Meanwhile, Y/N hasn't been doing well either. She found an apartment just outside of the city and is currently residing there. Her parents are aware of her current situation and the 'issue' with Yeonjun's former lover. And somehow, she was able to convince them to let her deal with the matter herself. Although on the outside she looks serene and calm, inside she's in a war with her emotions. The constant questioning if her decisions were right. The sleepless nights thinking of the love of her life and how he's doing. 


I sighed deeply. 

'Another day of misery' I thought as I checked the time. It was noon and I was in my apartment  gobbling on some ice cream and binge-watching 'Modern Family'.  These days all I could do was binge watch and eat random food that I craved out of nowhere. I sighed again as I looked at my chocolate ice cream that started to melt. I stood up from my seat, grabbing the pint of ice cream and put it back inside my freezer. I walked to the window. The sky was painted with a mix of orange, yellow, blue, pink and red with a little hint of purple.

'The sun's setting' I thought. 'Yeonjun loves sunsets'

The thought saddened me. I clicked my tongue and walked away from the window. I walked to my bedroom and dropped my body on my soft bed. I turned my body, my back facing the bed. I exhaled deeply and closed my eyes. Suddenly, an image of Yeonjun's beautiful smile flashed in my head. I groaned and opened my eyes, sighing in defeat.

'I guess moving on from you really is an impossible task'

Just then, the sound of his soft, melodic voice echoed in my mind. I groaned again and buried my head on my pillow. I let out a scream that carried my stress and suffering.

I decided that I should sleep already despite it being a little too early. I tossed and turned for a while but I managed to fall asleep after a few minutes.

My once peaceful slumber was disrupted by the constant 'ding-ing' of my phone. I let out a little yell of irritation and forced my eyes to open. I sat up and reached for my phone from my side table. I rubbed my eyes and turned my phone on to see that it was only 6:12 pm.

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