Wedding Invitations

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2 years later...

It's been 3 years...

I must admit, trying to move on isn't easy. Even until now, whenever the memory of that day plays in my head I still feel the same sadness and hopelessness that I felt back then.

And yes. I'm still in love with Yeonjun. Head over heels, madly in love etc. etc. You get the point.

Ever since we graduated college, I was able to distance myself from Yeonjun. I cried less, I slept more, ate more. Although I'm improving more from my previous state, new habits popped up through the months. And they're not at all good ones. I'm going to clubs and parties and getting drunk a lot. Not in the "alcoholic" kind of way though. Well, at least I think not.

I have a stable job working in an Art Museum and I love it. My other friends also have their own stable jobs. I moved out of my apartment and got myself a bigger one, also for some reason, me and the four boys agreed and ended up living together, Yeonjun and Areum also moved in together right after graduation.

I just finished my shift at work and I arrived home. As I opened the door I was expecting the usual noise and craziness of the boys, but to my surprise they were all gathered in the living room looking at me with a serious and nervous look on their faces. "What?" I asked as I put my bag down and walk towards them. They were all looking at the table in the middle of the couch. And as I peeked over I saw envelopes. Five of them to be exact.

"What are those?" I asked again and none of them responded or looked up at me. So I picked one with my name on it.

"You are invited to Choi Yeonjun and Shin Areum's Wedding!"

My heart broke when I read those words. I always thought that Areum would receive and be the one reading the wedding invitations. Not the other way around.

My chest felt tighter but I just ignored it. I sighed and opened it up.

Dear Y/N, 

We are inviting you to our Wedding to witness the happiest day of our lives

The Wedding is at on ****

in ***

We hope you can come!

With Love,

Choi Yeonjun and Soon to be Choi Areum:)

'Oh God'. A tear escaped my eye. 

'They're getting married. And on our dream day and place we wanted  our wedding to be in'

I guess our dream will come true. For Yeonjun at least. And I'll be at the back witnessing it all.

I tried to hold my tears and I put the invitation back in the envelope. I picked up my bag from the counter and I walked to my room. Before I stepped inside a voice spoke "Y/N? Are you ok? You don't have to go if you don't want to" Soobin said. I looked at them and there was pity in their eyes.


I didn't want to see them looking at me that way anymore. The look of pity because I was never loved and I was left for somebody else. Somebody better.

"I'm fine. And I'll go. Yeonjun will need all of his best friend's on his special day" I said giving them a small smile and I stepped inside my room.

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