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\\hi sorry for updating late and i will get to part 2 tom:)\\

It's been weeks...

Filled with sleepless and tiring days

It has been exactly three weeks after the love of his life died. The days that passed by pained him as she was not there by his side.

He's lost it. He grew thinner and weaker as he refused to consume anything, his eye bags grew darker and bigger, eyes puffy and red, his voice was hoarse and raspy from all his weeping. His once relaxed, kind and gentle demeanor was replaced by an angry, miserable and harsh one.

He was suffering the loss of someone who was his entire world and dream. And so was his friends and their families. As he wept, they wept. 

The days of suffering and torment never failed to make him break into a million pieces. But the day that pained him the most was the day he sad his final goodbye...

Her funeral...


Yeonjun barely got up. His eyes were heavy, red, puffy and his voice was broken from all his crying. His head hurt as it was suffering from a horrible hangover. In just the past four days, he went from the guy that can't drink two bottles of soju in one go, to drinking five bottles, straight. His body was begging for rest, but he didn't want to... He had no need nor motivation to do so.

Inside he was an oblivion of hopelessness and shattered pieces of his heart. 

'Today's the day' he thought as he sat up on his bed, grabbing the picture frame on his side table. In his hands, he held a picture of the two of them in their first year of college. He had his arm around her and their smiles were brighter and warmer than the sun. 

Yeonjun managed a small sad smile, but later then faded as he was reminded of the events that followed after that year.

He placed a small kiss on the frame's surface and sets it on the table next to him.

He half-heartedly got up from his bed and walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, even he was surprised from his appearance. His hair was shriveled, his cheeks were stained with streaks of tears from last night, and his eyes were swollen and red.

He took a shower that his body desperately needed and got ready. 

On his way, a song from the radio played. The very song that he wanted to play when he proposed.

As the song played, he started getting pushed to the edge. He was now on the verge of breaking down as every word form the song broke him as it reminded him of her. Betraying his once self composed self, a couple of tears fell from his eyes and a loud sob left his mouth.

He finally arrived at the funeral home and to his surprise, there was so many people that visited her funeral. 

As he entered the venue, there were so many faces that he recognized and some of the others, he couldn't distinguish. But all of them had something in common, their eyes were red, swollen and their cheeks stained with tears.

Yeonjun made his way to the front of his room where a casket decorated with red roses stood. A big picture placed right next to it, it was her. She was smiling. She looked beautiful, alive and happy in the picture. Her hair fell to her shoulders as she smile brightly.

 He chocked a sob and fell to his knees once his eyes fell to the figure of the love of his life in the casket. Her body pale and lifeless. He hadn't seen her since the day of the accident. But now that she was there, right before him without a single ounce of life in her, broke him once more.

It broke him into million times all over again. His cries filled the room, silencing the visitors as they all paused and looked at Yeonjun's broken state with sympathy and pity.

Rushing to his side to comfort him was the familiar faces of his friends who were crying as well. They took turns trying to comfort Yeonjun as they too tried to hold back the feelings that they so wanted to express. 

After all, she wasn't just some friend to them. She was family. She was more of family to them than their own actual family. 

And not only were they saddened because of their loss, because of the sate of Yeonjun was in. It reminded each of them of the time where Y/N was also in this position. The sullen, red, puffy eyes, the dark eye bags, the tear stains on the cheeks and of course, the smell of alcohol.

"I'm sorry Y/N...I'm so sorry" he choked on every word as he spoke.

Emerging from the crowd was Y/N's parents along with the parents of Yeonjun. 

"Yeonjun-ah. Son please get up" said Mr. Kim said sadly, Yeonjun looked up at him with remorse. Mr. Kim reached for Yeonjun and tried to comfort him "I'm so sorry father. I promised you that I would take care of her and I wouldn't let her get hurt. I'm so sorry" he said as he held the sleeves of Mr. Kim's shirt. 

"It's not your fault son. Don't blame yourself" said Mrs. Kim, a tear escaping her eye as she looked at the man she looked at as her own son ever since he and her daughter were children.

"No. It is my fault. If only I weren't so stupid, she would still be here" said Yeonjun.  "Yah it's not your fault! The real person at fault is still out there an we will make them regret it" Soobin cried.

Yeonjun cried his heart out on the ground as he called for the love of his life. Family and friends tried to calm him down, but the tears wouldn't stop pouring, the sadness was unending, the pain was unbearable, the unforgiving anger was roaring inside him.

That night Yeonjun didn't get a single wink of sleep. He just cried and cried.

But there was this small flame of hope burning in him. Hope that he might be able to bring justice for his beloved.

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