I love her

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\\i'm sorry for those who cried in the last chapterrr\\

\\i cried too hehe it's ok to cryyyy\\

\\this is yeonjun's pov form the last chap btw\\

\\ i didn't proof read this so there might be some errors or confusions\\

Yeonjun POV

Today was the day...

Today's the day I will get married to Areum...

Right now, I was in the groom's room preparing for the ceremony. I felt weird--empty to be exact. Usually, the thought of getting married to Areum someday excited me. It excited me to the point I would just space out imagining about every possible little detail of the happiest day of my life.

This morning when I woke up, I hesitated to even stand. As if my body didn't want to get ready for this day. I was now doing the finishing touches for my suit, which was my tie. I hated wearing ties. I could never get them right. Which was why Y/N used to always helped me whenever I needed to wear one. Y/N did. Areum never helped me wear my tie since she didn't know how to.

I was still struggling no matter how many tutorials I have watched. 'Why did this have to be so complicated?!' I just sighed in frustration as I looked at myself in the mirror. I heard the door creak open and I turned to see my four best friends. "Hey man! Congratulations!" Soobin said patting my back. I thanked him and we exchanged some greetings and I received a lot of congratulations'. 

"Where's Y/N?" I asked as I noticed that Y/N was not in the room. "She should be here in a moment" Taehyun said. I nodded and went back to trying to fix my tie. I looked at the mirror and I saw Y/N was already in the room. 

"Y/N? Wow you look amazing!" she did. She was beautiful. More than beautiful actually. My heart skipped multiple beats Her soft dark brown hair rested on her shoulders, her beautiful dress hugged her body defining her beautifully sculpted body. She was the definition of perfect. 

I held her hands and it fit perfectly into mine. She looked so beautiful. My heart was beating so fast and my breathing hitched whenever my eyes met hers.

She thanked me and we exchanged a few words. 

"Thanks Y/N! I just can't believe it. I always thought that I would get married to you" I said. I didn't really know why I said that, but I meant it. I never really imagined myself getting married to anyone else but Y/N. I scanned her face and she looked a little queasy by what I said.

The guys left the room to see Areum and only me and Y/N were in the room. Before I forget and Y/N left, I asked her to help me out with my tie.

As she fixed my tie, she looked so cute. Her lips were slightly pursed and pouting as she untied my tie. She always had that habit when she was extremely focused. And every time, I would find her cute and... give her a peck on the lips. At least that was when we were together before...

"You look really beautiful" I told her. Her eyes met mine and I swear, her eyes were the most beautiful pair of eyes in the entire world. They always sparkled when she was smiling, happy, excited, also when she saw me--when we were together. Ever since our separation, the spark in her eyes faded away. But when our eyes met, I saw it rekindle. Even in just a split second.

She finished and she started walking to the door since she was going to go see Areum. 

 "Hey Y/N?" she turned to me  "Promise to be my side no matter what happens?" I asked and she just knitted her brows in response "As friends I mean". She nodded and smiled. I was quite astonished by her smile. I haven't seen her smile that way ever since that day.

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now