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5th Grade

"Y/N!" I knew that voice. The voice that I wanted to hear all morning.

I turned around and smiled. There he was--Choi Yeonjun the guy that I started to grow feelings for since the beginning of summer last year. 

"Yeonjun!" he hugged me and I felt butterflies in my stomach, my face felt hot, hot like it was on fire.

"I missed you!" he said "I missed you more!!" I said as I pulled away from our hug. I looked at his eyes and smiled at him. 'God those eyes and that smile will be the death of me.'

I held out my pinky and said "Promise to smile at me every time you look at me" he giggled and put his fingers on his chin as if he was thinking about it "Ya! Do you really have to think about that?!" I yelled at him. He just laughed at me and ruffled my hair "Of course I promise dummy"

"Good." I said as I fixed my hair.

Back to present

I sat on my bed looking up at the ceiling to try to stop the tears that are threatening to fall across my face at any moment.

But going back to that moment from 5th grade ruined it. I just burst into tears. I don't care if anyone can hear me bawling my eyes out since I lived alone ever since he moved out and left me broken.

But it was probably for the best...

Since nothing between us was even true..

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now