We could have had it all

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\\hello! i'm back. i'm very sorry for not updating in the past week. i've been busy with a lot of stuff\\

\\but anyway, here it is. supposedly though, the story would have ended a long time ago but here we are\\


Yeonjun looked up at the two paramedics in confusion.

"She said that you'll find the use of it in the letter" one of them said "We will get going now. We are sorry for your loss" the two paramedics bowed and left, leaving Yeonjun holding the last message his love has for him.


I stared at the two envelopes. Looking at it brought me back to the time I found a letter similar to the ones in my hands, telling me that she was leaving. The other one looked a little crumpled. On the upper right corner, there was something written. 


'Our anniversary'

The other had 11/18/21 'Three days before she left me'

Beomgyu patted my back. "We'll leave you alone for a moment" he said. His voice was raspy and strained from all the crying, just like mine. The four of them got up, and left me alone.

Without taking any second thoughts, I opened up 11/18/21. The letter had round and splattered stains all over it.

'She was crying'

Dearest Yeonjun,

Now that you're reading this, I assume that the worst has happened.

"Even if the universe decides to pull us away from one another, you will always be my first choice. You. You will be the one I run to and the one I will pour my heart and soul for. You are the one. But still, promise to always come back to me ok?" do you remember my love?  You used to tell me that almost every night. Unfortunately, this time I can't come back or run into your arms.

There are still so many things that I wish that we could have done together. So many days that we could have spent together, making more memories that we could have cherished until we grew old. But sadly, our time together has been cut short.

You probably don't know but, you were the greatest thing that happened to me all my life. Despite our complications, you were the reason my life turned upside down. You were the one that made me smile the most, laugh the most, you were my one and only constant motivation to keep going. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever picture myself so happy with a person that is you.

I really wished that we had more time...

I'm so sorry my love. I'm so sorry for leaving you this way.

I'm sorry for not giving you a proper goodbye... Thrice...

Remember what you told me about our future back in our first year of college? You told me that you wanted to live in a house that's right next to a small town and by the beach. You also told me that you wanted to have children. One boy and one girl. I remember how you always joked that having kids could also be an inconvenience for you since you would have competition for my love and attention. You never failed to make me laugh and smile my prince.

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now