Tell me everything

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I sat up on my bed with a sad smile.

"Oh how it was so simple and happy back then" I said to myself 

Then I remembered...

4th Grade

"Yeonjun!!" I yelled while waving at him so he can see me easily.

"Y/N!!" he yelled and wave back at me. He had a big smile on his face as he ran towards me and I smiled at him waiting for him to reach to me.

"Can you believe it?! We're in the same classes!" he said as he engulfed me in his warm and comforting embrace. And of course I hugged him back.

'This is nice'  I thought. My parents just informed me of their divorce that morning...

We both let go of each other and started walking to our classroom "What's wrong?" he asked me "Hmm? Nothing, why?" "You look troubled" he said. I gave him a small smile "There's nothing wrong. This is my normal face what are you saying?" I said as I playfully punched his arm.

"Yeonjun?" he hummed back as a response. "Promise to tell me everything ok?" he looked at me with a curious look. "What do you mean by everything?" he asked. "Everything. What you feel, think, want etc. etc. Everything. Promise me that ok?"

"Ok. I promise" he put out his finger and I giggled as I intertwined my pinky with his.

'Another promise. Another lie.'

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now