⚠My Beautiful Flower⚠

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⚠⚠kissing, smut-ish?⚠⚠

*I can finally admit that I am crazy since I made this cringe worthy chapter*

It's been a day since I got the package. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night since I thought about what I should do. And I have made my decision.

I'm leaving. Tomorrow, noon

It's the only safe way. No one will have to cry of grief or loss. No one will have to lose a child or their life. Yeonjun will cry for a while, but surely he can get over it. He's Yeonjun, he's strong. Although we will both be robbed of our happiness, it's better than losing the other forever.

I finished packing my essentials like clothes, money, etc. I sighed and sat on my bed. i covere my face with my hands and let myself cry. 

'Is this really it for us?'

'Do we really have to lose each other?'

'Will we really not get our happily ever after?'

'But then again, life isn't some fairytale where the main characters get their happy ending'

'Is happiness something we really can't have?'

'Is it something I can't have?'

I cried for a while. Letting out all of my anger and sadness. 

I calmed down and checked my watch. It's 4:00 pm. I sighed and stood up. I decided that if this will be the last night that I would be with him, I better make it count.



I took a deep breathe and pressed his door bell. It made a ding and I could hear Yeonjun's feet shuffling towards the door. The door swung open revealing Yeonjun.

"Princess? What are you doing here? Come here" he said as he hugged me tightly. He smelled like cinnamon and his hug was so comforting. 'I wish we could stay like this--in each other's arms'

We pulled away from the hug and he cupped my face "Hello my love" he said as he pecked my lips. "Hello to you too my handsome prince" I said and we both giggled. Our giggles died down and he stared at me intently. "You're so beautiful" he whispered as he put his thumb and index finger on my chin tilting my head upwards.

He moved his face closer to mine and he placed his soft lips on mine. His lips were soft against mine and they moved ever so gently. His hands snaked down from my face to my waist, caressing them. He pulled away and held my hand, pulling me to the living room. 

As we stood in the middle of the living room, he pulled my face close to his, resting our foreheads on the other. "I love you so much" I said "I love you more baby" he replied winking at me. I chuckled and he placed his lips on mine once again. 

(k pause first. i do NOT know how to write smuts so this might be cringey in a way. and also, for those who are not in a mature age(likeme) i won't be getting too detailed so no need to worry. but for those who--well, like smuts? i'm sorry if this is weird)

Our lips moved in sync. My hands found it's way to his neck and I wrapped my arms around it. As we kissed, we started moving to the direction of the couch with Yeonjun leading the way, not breaking the connection. He sat down and I followed him, sitting on his lap as my legs wrapped around his sides.

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